Assignment Melanoma Detection/CNN Skin Lesion Classification Assignment
- [General Info](#Upgrad MLAI Assignment)
- [Technologies Used](#Python 3, TensorFlow and Keras, CNN, Augmentor)
- [Conclusions](#Augmented images drastically improve validation set performance)
- Acknowledgements
- [References](#Park and Kwak (2016), Hinton(2012), Perez et al.(20218))
- Upgrad AIML course assignment.
- Exploration of CNN architecture and data augmentation techniques using the ISIC dataset.
- The dataset consists of 2357 images of malignant and benign oncological diseases, which were formed from the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC).
- See notebook comments
- tensorflow - version 2.13.0
- keras - version 2.13.1
- This project was based on Upgrad AIML assignment.
Created by [@carlpiaf] - feel free to contact me!