An easy way to enrol using an enrolkey from anywhere within moodle
This plugin requires the to be installed.
The master branch is compatible Moodle version: 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
Add the plugin to /blocks/enrolkey/
Run the Moodle upgrade.
First enable the block_enrolkey plugin for use.
Site administration > Appearance > Default Dashboard page > Manage Authentication
Add the block:
Blocks editing on
Add a block
- select
Enrol key
Blocks editing off
Reset Dashboard for all users
When a user logs in the Enrol key block should be displayed. The user can enter a token into the input field in the form.
If the token matches any valid instance of self enrolment, then the user will be enrolled to those courses.
For any issue with the plugin, please log the in the github repository here:
Please note our time is limited, so if you need urgent support or want to sponsor a new feature then please contact Catalyst IT Australia:
This plugin was developed by Catalyst IT Australia: