python runserver 8000
- django
- django-crispy-forms
- pands
There are two main folders for this project "CS3203_Project" and "main"
CS3203_Project: This is the folder that runs the app. It is created by django, and there is not much to change here.
- This is where the settings for the app are changed
- This is where the route to the main/ folder occurs.
main: This is the main folder for the app. This is where most of the coding will be with the creation of views, models, etc.
- templates/: folder that holds all of the html files for the website
- File to create the different forms for the website (login, register, add restaurant)
- File to create the database models (Restaurant, Review)
- File to set the paths to determine which view is loaded
- File to handle the view controller of the site. Handles the GET and POST requests for the site
- username: admin
- password: TheAeros