- Use PowerShell to add one or more SHA256 hashes to your Cisco AMP simple custom detections list.
- You need your own API credential pair.
- Cisco AMP API Documentation.
- Import the module
PS C:\temp> Import-Module .\block-AMPFile.psm1
- If you want to install the module for long-term use
- See Microsoft documentation.
- Shortcut - just copy to its own folder in this location: $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
PS C:\temp> copy .\block-AMPFile.psm1 $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\block-AMPFile\block-AMPFile.psm1
Change parameters on the following lines:
- 24: AMP Client ID
- 25: AMP Key
- 36: GUID - If there isn't one saved on this line, an extra API call is run every time and the value of the GUID is displayed at the console.
Mandatory parameter
- -f: file hash - AMP wants a sha256 hash.
- Comma separated for multiple
block-AMPFile -f bd32fccef3e226d3f22d6ccbd2e74b53e04d087d6cd2fb45ebfd7431ace1a5b1
block-AMPFile 160e934c01f0137b5ff230b7d1fa6c782a3fd80c5df43b6286c56634b6042c87,7c138b4db5f2cf643f1933f5d746ae36811cf0bc3325af82b4d0cf268351bac4