Implement batch processing on AWS:
- scatter: Split up a single file of records to be processed (the file has been uploaded via s3)
- process: Process records as parallel as possible
- gather: Detect completion of processing and aggregate a result summary report in s3
- python 3.8
- GNU make
- docker
- awscli
- tfvm or terraform
- cw >= v3.3.0
make clean start_localstack deploy benchmark report
make stop_localstack clean
All resources will be prefixed with your current ${USER}-. Pass SCOPE=mycustomprefix- to make to override this default.
make ENV=aws clean deploy_resources deploy_service benchmark report
make ENV=aws destroy
The task has been implemented in various variants:
- s3-sqs-lambda-sync (with boto3 blocking io)
- s3-sqs-lambda-async (with aioboto3 async io)
- s3-sqs-lambda-async-chunked (with aioboto3 async io, records packed into chunks)
- s3-sqs-lambda-dynamodb (with aioboto3 async io, records stored in dynamodb)
- s3-notification-sqs-lambda (with aioboto3 async io, records stored in s3 in chunks, functions invoked by s3 notifications through sqs queues)
- sfn?
- glue?
- emr (spark)?
- s3 athena?
- s3 batch
- single fat vm
- infra - Resources and service infrastructure
- src - Service sources
- tests - Service tests
- benchmark - Benchmark sources
Copyright 2020 by Cornelius Buschka. All rights reserved.