A folder to store outreach documents and presentations.
- [1905.03709] Visualizing the Consequences of Climate Change Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
- [1910.10143] Establishing an Evaluation Metric to Quantify Climate Change Image Realism
- [2001.09531] Using Simulated Data to Generate Images of Climate Change
- [2004.00161] Towards Lifelong Self-Supervision For Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
- Executive Summary (Yoshua Bengio and Jennifer Chayes) (01/19) (Google Doc)
- Slide deck (Victor Schmidt) (early 02/19) (Slides.io)
- ITU presentation: Scaling AI For Good (Victor Schmidt) (05/19)
- ITU presentation: AI Commons (Victor Schmidt) (05/19)
- Deep Generative Approaches To Help Mitigate Climate Change : Math + X invited talk, (02/20)