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File metadata and controls

100 lines (66 loc) · 3.58 KB


For an overview of clients to the fraud API, see the parent doc CCCTC Documentation.

This module watches the input-dir for JSON files that represent college fraud reports. Valid reports are sent to CCCTC using the Fraud API.

This is an example integration where fraud reports saved into a directory trigger automatic updates to CCCTC using the Fraud API.


Running the client

After completing the above and setting your credentials in the properties file, you should be able to run the client and interact with the API locally.

Local Docker

To run all the dependencies and configuration in a docker environment follow these steps from this module's root folder:

In a terminal, run these commands:

  • STEP 1:

    docker compose build

    This sets up docker and builds the code.

  • STEP 2:

    docker compose up install

    This downloads and installs all the dependencoes and libraries

  • STEP 3:

    docker compose up dev

    This starts up the module in a docker container on your computer that monitors the input-dir for changes.

    In this mode, any changes to the source restarts the server for hot-reloading.

On startup, the client will test the configuration by trying to get an API token with the configs you saved in properties.

The startup logs should look like this:

monitor-dir  | [nodemon] restarting due to changes...
monitor-dir  | [nodemon] starting `node server.js src/server.js`
monitor-dir  | Testing configs by getting a new token....
monitor-dir  | [TOKEN]: Fetching new token from
monitor-dir  | {
monitor-dir  |   access_token: 'eyJhbGciOiJSU.....',
monitor-dir  |   expires_in: 300,
monitor-dir  |   refresh_expires_in: 1800,
monitor-dir  |   refresh_token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N....',
monitor-dir  |   token_type: 'Bearer',
monitor-dir  |   'not-before-policy': 0,
monitor-dir  |   session_state: '12722d2d-dc66-4ab9-ab73-b2680e03d943',
monitor-dir  |   scope: 'email profile'
monitor-dir  | }

Submit a fraud report

An example fraud report is provided. With docker running, you can edit and save this as a new file and you'll see log entries for fraud API calls to CCCTC.

monitor-dir  | Updated file: input-dir/example-fraud-report.json
monitor-dir  | [GRAPHQL]: Submitting fraud report:  {
monitor-dir  |   query: 'mutation FraudReportSubmit($input: FraudReportSubmitInput!) {         FraudReportSubmit(input: $input) { appId cccId fraudType }}',
monitor-dir  |   variables: {
monitor-dir  |     input: {
monitor-dir  |       cccId: 'AAA0001',
monitor-dir  |       fraudType: 'APPLICATION',
monitor-dir  |       appId: 1,
monitor-dir  |       reportedByMisCode: 'ZZ1'
monitor-dir  |     }
monitor-dir  |   }
monitor-dir  | }
monitor-dir  | [TOKEN]: Fetching new token...
monitor-dir  | [INPUT] result {
monitor-dir  |   FraudReportSubmit: { appId: 1, cccId: 'AAA0001', fraudType: 'APPLICATION' }
monitor-dir  | }

Modifying the client

This is a simple client with code for the fraud API in fraudAPI.js.

The directory monitor is in server.js. Logic to validate the input and call

Local stack

For advanced users familiar with node, npm and Keycloak, you can use the below from the module root:

npm run dev