Producer - Consumer Application Instructions Authors: Chantal Murdock; James Lopez
The producer–consumer problem (also known as the bounded-buffer problem). A classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem. This application aims to solve this using Win32 API.
Option 1:
In order to run this program please click the "bin" folder, then the "debug" folder.
In the debug folder should be the application with the file extension .exe for executable. Please click this in order to run the program.
Upon exit, there will be a file generated from running the program named "producer_consumer.txt ". This will be located in the main subdirectory "PRODUCER_CONSUMER".
Option 2:
In order to run this program please click the .cbp extension (Codeblocks Project).
Codeblocks should appear, with the Producer - Consumer Project open. Click the "build and run icon" - a green play button with a gear in order to compile and run the application.
Upon exit, there will be a file generated from running the program named "producer_consumer.txt ". This will be located in the main subdirectory "PRODUCER_CONSUMER".
The sleep time is inputted through a random number generator. The different sleep times are then inputted into a loop, to test the different cases of Producers and Consumers via sleep time.