White House Bills
This bot is simple, it scrapes the WhiteHouse.gov website for new announcements about whether the current President has signed or vetoed a bill. This is an open source project meant solely for transparent, quick, easy to access information. At the writing of this README, there have been ~45 bills signed into law by the current administration. If you're like me, you've only had the chance to hear about one or two of these bills (if that). This is in large part due to the current states of the political climate and the media in America. This bot does not lean left or right. Its aim is to bring more attention to the actual bills that are being passed in the country, instead of the politics.
Do it! Seriously. I'm more than happy to take suggestions on how to make this bot better. I'm currently a learning Computer Science student and I welcome constructive criticism/contributions to the project.
So here are the libraries/programs that need to be installed for the bot to function properly.