Runs terraform plan
on your project and posts a comment with the changes on a Pull Request (PR). It runs the following commands:
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform fmt --check
terraform plan -out=plan.tfplan
terraform show -json plan.tfplan
This action does not install Terraform or Terragrunt, but can be installed using Terraform tools setup action. You can see how it's used in the pr-test.yaml workflow.
Use the following to control the action:
Setting | Description | Default |
allow-failure |
Allow the action to fail | false |
comment |
Add comment with changes to the PR | true |
comment-delete |
Delete previous comments made by the bot on the PR | false |
comment-title |
The title to give the PR comment | Plan changes |
conftest-character-limit |
Character limit for Conftest output | 2000 |
conftest-checks |
Location of custom conftest check definitions | git:: |
directory |
Directory with the *.tf files to validate |
. |
github-token |
GitHub Token used to add comment to PR (required to add comments). | |
plan-character-limit |
Character limit for Terraform plan output | 30000 |
terraform-init |
Custom Terraform init args | |
terragrunt |
Use Terragrunt instead of Terraform | false |
skip-conftest |
Skip the Conftest step | false |
skip-fmt |
Skip the Terraform format check | false |
skip-plan |
Skip the Terraform plan for projects without a remote state | false |
init-run-all |
Run init across all modules (only applicable for terragrunt). | false |
# Setup Terraform, Terragrunt, and Conftest
- name: Setup terraform tools
uses: cds-snc/terraform-tools-setup@v1
# Run Terraform plan and add a comment with changes on the PR
- name: Terraform plan
uses: cds-snc/terraform-plan
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Use Terragrunt, allow failure and set a custom PR comment title
- name: Terraform plan
uses: cds-snc/terraform-plan
allow-failure: true
comment-title: Custom comment title
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
terragrunt: true
# Run on a sub project folder, deleting previous PR comments made by the action
- name: Terraform plan
uses: cds-snc/terraform-plan
directory: ./infra
comment-delete: true
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Run Terraform plan with no PR comment
# Plan will still availabe in the workflow logs
- name: Terraform plan
uses: cds-snc/terraform-plan
add-comment: false
# Run Terraform plan custom Terraform init args
- name: Terraform plan
uses: cds-snc/terraform-plan
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
terraform-init: |
To setup your local dev environment:
npm install
npm run prepare
Husky provides a pre-commit hook that builds the dist/index.js
used by the action. To test locally, nektos/act works well.
Open Policy Agent is used to check the terraform plan
for changes. Policies are written in Rego and then compiled into a WebAssembly module using npm run policy