This is my version of Picobit, a small Scheme System designed to run on small microcontrollers. I made the portability of PICOBIT to STM32F100RB.
It consists of 2 parts, a scheme compiler and a VM.
The scheme compiler was written in Racket Language, it usually run on a PC/workstation. Its function is compile the scheme code to bytecode.
The Virtual Machine is a bytecode interpreter. In this case it is compiled to run on a microcontroller(STM32F1-value line). The VM is written in (mostly) portable C.
Demos and infos: picobit-docs
Folked from
Marc Feeley originally wrote PICOBIT around 2006. Vincent St-Amour took over development in 2008. Jim Shargo worked on a port to Racket in 2011. The Racket port was completed in June 2011. Peter Zotov (whitequark) ported PICOBIT to ARM in August 2011.
PICOBIT is released under the GPLv3.