- Navigate to https://vwd.leeds.ac.uk/ and log into the virtual desktop
- open chrome
- navigate to
Information for developers is found in our wiki
- clone this repository
- check and install the requirements
- to run the app
cd app/ && python wsgi.py
orcd app/ && gunicorn -w 4 -b --access-logfile=~/logs/app/access.log --error-logfile=~/logs/app/error.log --access-logformat='%({x-forwarded-for}i)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"' wsgi:app
Recomended pip install using system python to create virtual environment
python -m venv agro-python
source agro-python/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install pip;
conda env update --file local.yml
- newdata2h5 : run to generate netcdf
- dataconvert : used by netcdf
- prediction_individual : gets json data for individual
- get5indicators.py : joint plot file
- data : raster data and shapefiles
- processed : netcdf and individual
- static : web map plot (copy images 'plotdata' to here)
- serverapp : dynamic file upload
This should only be needed if developing new scripts.
conda install nodejs
npm install --global webpack
cd app/templates/bundles/
npm install
conda activate cssp
cd app/templates/bundles/
python webpack.py
These are contained within an encrypted sqlite database. (Note that the code for this only seems to work on linux machines like the VM).
From the main directory
python -m app.serverscripts.new_user UserName SecretCodeToEnter
If a password has already been used you will get an error containing
UNIQUE constraint failed
python -m app.serverscripts.secure_db --wipe
These are identical to the normal template, except that they have