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Case Study #4 - Data Bank

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🪙 Case Study #4 - Data Bank

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🛠️ Problem Statement

Danny thought that there should be some sort of intersection between these new age banks, cryptocurrency and the data world…so he decides to launch a new initiative - Data Bank!

The management team at Data Bank want to increase their total customer base - but also need some help tracking just how much data storage their customers will need.

This case study is all about calculating metrics, growth and helping the business analyse their data in a smart way to better forecast and plan for their future developments!

📂 Dataset

Danny has shared with you 2 key datasets for this case study:


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This regions table contains the region_id and their respective region_name values

"region_id" "region_name"
1 "Australia"
2 "America"
3 "Africa"
4 "Asia"
5 "Europe"

Customer Nodes

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Customers are randomly distributed across the nodes according to their region - this also specifies exactly which node contains both their cash and data. This random distribution changes frequently to reduce the risk of hackers getting into Data Bank’s system and stealing customer’s money and data! Below is a sample of the top 10 rows of the data_bank.customer_nodes

"customer_id" "region_id" "node_id" "start_date" "end_date"
1 3 4 "2020-01-02" "2020-01-03"
2 3 5 "2020-01-03" "2020-01-17"
3 5 4 "2020-01-27" "2020-02-18"
4 5 4 "2020-01-07" "2020-01-19"
5 3 3 "2020-01-15" "2020-01-23"
6 1 1 "2020-01-11" "2020-02-06"
7 2 5 "2020-01-20" "2020-02-04"
8 1 2 "2020-01-15" "2020-01-28"
9 4 5 "2020-01-21" "2020-01-25"
10 3 4 "2020-01-13" "2020-01-14"

Customer Transactions

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This table stores all customer deposits, withdrawals and purchases made using their Data Bank debit card.

"customer_id" "txn_date" "txn_type" "txn_amount"
429 "2020-01-21" "deposit" 82
155 "2020-01-10" "deposit" 712
398 "2020-01-01" "deposit" 196
255 "2020-01-14" "deposit" 563
185 "2020-01-29" "deposit" 626
309 "2020-01-13" "deposit" 995
312 "2020-01-20" "deposit" 485
376 "2020-01-03" "deposit" 706
188 "2020-01-13" "deposit" 601
138 "2020-01-11" "deposit" 520

🧙‍♂️ Case Study Questions

A. Customer Nodes Exploration

  1. How many unique nodes are there on the Data Bank system?
  2. What is the number of nodes per region?
  3. How many customers are allocated to each region?
  4. How many days on average are customers reallocated to a different node?
  5. What is the median, 80th and 95th percentile for this same reallocation days metric for each region?

View Data Exploration Folder

B. Customer Transactions

  1. What is the unique count and total amount for each transaction type?
  2. What is the average total historical deposit counts and amounts for all customers?
  3. For each month - how many Data Bank customers make more than 1 deposit and either 1 purchase or 1 withdrawal in a single month?
  4. What is the closing balance for each customer at the end of the month?
  5. What is the percentage of customers who increase their closing balance by more than 5%?

View Data Exploration Folder

🚀 Solutions

A. Customer Nodes Exploration

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Q1. How many unique nodes are there on the Data Bank system?

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT node_id) AS node_counts
FROM data_bank.customer_nodes;

Q2. What is the number of nodes per region?

	COUNT(DISTINCT customer_nodes.node_id) AS node_counts
FROM data_bank.regions
INNER JOIN data_bank.customer_nodes
ON regions.region_id = customer_nodes.region_id
GROUP BY regions.region_name;
"region_name" "node_counts"
"Africa" 5
"America" 5
"Asia" 5
"Australia" 5
"Europe" 5

Q3. How many customers are allocated to each region?

	COUNT(DISTINCT customer_nodes.customer_id) AS customer_counts
FROM data_bank.regions
INNER JOIN data_bank.customer_nodes
ON regions.region_id = customer_nodes.region_id
GROUP BY regions.region_name;
"region_name" "customer_counts"
"Africa" 102
"America" 105
"Asia" 95
"Australia" 110
"Europe" 88

B. Customer Transactions

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Q1. 1. What is the unique count and total amount for each transaction type?

	COUNT(txn_type) AS unique_count,
	SUM(txn_amount) AS total_amount
FROM data_bank.customer_transactions
GROUP BY txn_type;
"txn_type" "unique_count" "total_amount"
"purchase" 1617 806537
"withdrawal" 1580 793003
"deposit" 2671 1359168

Q2. What is the average total historical deposit counts and amounts for all customers?

WITH cte_deposit AS (
		COUNT(txn_type) AS deposit_count,
		SUM(txn_amount) AS deposit_amount
	FROM data_bank.customer_transactions
	WHERE txn_type = 'deposit'
	GROUP BY customer_id
	AVG(deposit_count) AS avg_deposit_count,
	AVG(deposit_amount) AS avg_deposit_amount
FROM cte_deposit;
"avg_deposit_count" "avg_deposit_amount"
5.3420000000000000 2718.3360000000000000

Q3. For each month - how many Data Bank customers make more than 1 deposit and either 1 purchase or 1 withdrawal in a single month?

WITH cte_customer AS (
		EXTRACT(MONTH FROM txn_date) AS month_part,
		TO_CHAR(txn_date, 'Month') AS month,
		SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'deposit' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS deposit_count,
		SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'purchase' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS purchase_count,
		SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'withdrawal' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS withdrawal_count
	FROM data_bank.customer_transactions
		TO_CHAR(txn_date, 'Month'),
	COUNT(customer_id) AS customer_count
FROM cte_customer
WHERE deposit_count > 1 AND (purchase_count >= 1 OR withdrawal_count >= 1)
ORDER BY month_part;
"month" "customer_count"
"January " 168
"February " 181
"March " 192
"April " 70

© 2021 Leah Nguyen