Companion app for EMC Australian SE Conference 2016. There is a good chance that the app is still running here:
Flask web app with Redis backend and EMC's ECS S3 object store.
- Displays the conference program/agenda
- Scrolls down the program to the last session before current time
- Allows attendees to review the different sessions in the conference in terms of presenter and content
- Allows users to upload their favourite photos of the conference (restricted to jpg)
- Allows users to browse uploaded photos
- Contains an event survey to provide demographic stats and/or feedback
It provides is also the following hidden admin functionality:
- Produces a ranking of all sessions with average scores for presenter and content as well as the amount of reviews
- Allows event admins to dump all the reviews in a ";" separated format for analysis. The cookie ID is provided to help eliminate duplicates
- Dumps all the survey responses. The cookie ID is provided to help eliminate duplicates
- Provides stats such as number of pageviews and unique visitors
- Allows users to display their uid. This could be use to identify the owner of an uploaded photo as the winner of a competition
- Cloud Foundry (the syntax to grab Redis credentials will work with CF environment variables)
- Flask directories
- static (contains style.css, logo.png and backgr.jpg)
- templates
- uploads (photos get uploaded and thumbnailed here , before sending to ECS)
- Environment variables (set them up in Cloud Foundry)
- ECS_host (if you don't have one, you can test "")
- ECS_access_key
- ECS_secret
- bucket (the name of the ECS bucket)
- object_access_URL (for details, see the note below)
- Redis instance in Cloud Foundry
- sessions.txt file contains details about each session in the conference
- Fields are separated by ";" so that you can use commas in the event description
- The first field is the session code and cannot contain spaces
Note: EMC's Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) provides an S3 compatible interface. The main difference is that it uses a "namespace" which can be likened to a tenant. This enables different tenants to use the same bucket name. In order to access objects from a bucket the namespace needs to be included in the url as follows:
Hence the environment variable "object_access_URL" needs to contain the "" portion.