JDA now officially supports interactions (slash commands and buttons) in release 4.3.0. That means that this library will no longer receive updates.
Slash commands for JDA
This library is only a temporary solution until JDA officially supports slash commands. I decided against contributing to JDA because I don't want to mess up their code base.
This library is also lacking some documentation. If you have any questions feel free to open an issue.
- Commands
- Interactions
- Interactions responses
- Followup messages
- Command permissions
- Command routers (Automatically route interactions to your command framework)
- Message components
Slash Commands:
public class MyBot {
private static final String BOT_TOKEN = "********";
private static final String APPLICATION_ID = "12345654321";
public static void main(String[] args) {
JDA jda = JDABuilder.setRawEventsEnabled(true).createDefault(BOT_TOKEN).build();
public void initCommands(JDA jda) {
JDASlashCommands.initialize(jda, BOT_TOKEN, APPLICATION_ID);
JDASlashCommands.submitGlobalCommand(new CommandBuilder()
.name("test-command") // Set command name to '/test-command'
.desc("My cool test command")
.option(new CommandBuilder.SubCommandGroupBuilder()
.name("some-group") // Specify a group that can hold multiple sub commands
.desc("This is a wonderful group")
.option(new CommandBuilder.SubCommandBuilder()
.name("hello") // Specify sub command 'hello' (/test-command some-group hello)
.desc("Greet a user")
.option(new ApplicationCommandOption(
"user", // Note the lower case name - Names have to be lower case or else things could break
"Specify a user to greet",
.option(new CommandBuilder.SubCommandBuilder()
.name("animal") // Specify sub command 'animal' (/test-command some-group animal)
.desc("Show a animal picture")
.choices( // Only allow certain values: Cat, Dog and Platypus
ApplicationCommandOptionType.STRING, // Specify type of the choice: STRING or INTEGER
"animal", // Note the lower case name - Names have to be lower case or else things could break
"Specify the animal",
new ApplicationCommandOptionChoice("Cat", "cat"),
new ApplicationCommandOptionChoice("Dog", "cat"),
new ApplicationCommandOptionChoice("Platypus", "platypus")
.build(), new ApplicationCommandListener() {
public void onInteraction(final Interaction interaction) {
System.out.println("We got an interaction! Yay!");
Message components:
public class MyBot {
private static final String BOT_TOKEN = "********";
private static final String APPLICATION_ID = "12345654321";
public static void main(String[] args) {
JDA jda = JDABuilder.setRawEventsEnabled(true).createDefault(BOT_TOKEN).build();
public void initCommands(JDA jda) {
JDASlashCommands.initialize(jda, BOT_TOKEN, APPLICATION_ID);
// Add a component listener that will get called
// every time a component is clicked
JDASlashCommands.addComponentListener(interaction -> {
final Component clickedComponent = interaction.getClickedComponent();
if (clickedComponent instanceof Button) {
final Button button = clickedComponent.cast();
interaction.respond("You clicked " + button.getLabel() + "!");
// Add a one time component listener that will
// get called when a button with the provided
// button id is clicked
JDASlashCommands.addOneTimeComponentListener("my_btn", interaction -> {
final Component clickedComponent = interaction.getClickedComponent();
final Button button = clickedComponent.cast();
interaction.respond("You clicked " + button.getLabel() + "!");
// Create an example command and respond to
// interactions with message components
JDASlashCommands.submitGlobalCommand(new CommandBuilder()
.desc("Test command")
.build(), interaction -> {
interaction.respond("Available actions:", Arrays.asList(
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.PRIMARY, "Action 1", "my_btn"),
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.SECONDARY, "Action 2", "my_btn_0"),
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.DANGER, "Action 3", "my_btn_1"),
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.SUCCESS, "Action 4", "my_btn_2")
Button.emojiButton(Button.Style.SUCCESS, "Emoji!", "my_btn_3",
Button.emojiButton(Button.Style.DANGER, "Another emoji!", "my_btn_4",
// Link buttons seem to be broken at the moment
//Button.emojiLinkButton(Button.Style.DANGER, "Emoji with link!", "https://cerus.dev",
// Button.PartialEmoji.getDefaultEmoji("✨")),
//Button.linkButton(Button.Style.SECONDARY, "Link!", "https://discord.com")
Since version 1.2.2, you can install jda-slash-commands
from the central repository.
Before 1.2.2
<!--Replace TAG with the version-->
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.cerus:jda-slash-commands:TAG'
<version>1.3.1</version> <!-- Replace with latest version -->
allprojects {
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'dev.cerus:jda-slash-commands:1.3.1'