This project contains simple examples of the use of Spark with Ceylon.
This project requires JDK 8 and Ceylon 1.3.1 or Ceylon IDE
1.3.1 for IntelliJ or Eclipse. On the command line you can use
the provided ceylonb
command if you don't have Ceylon already
To compile the examples, either import this project into Ceylon IDE, or, in this directory, type:
./ceylonb compile
To run the Hello World example, in this directory, type:
./ceylonb run hello.sparky
And go to http://localhost:4567/hello.
To run the HTML example, in this directory, type:
./ceylonb run html.sparky
And go to http://localhost:1234/.
To run the Todo list example, in this directory, type:
./ceylonb run todo.sparky
And got to http://localhost:9999.
To assemble a "fat" jar, in this directory, type:
./ceylonb fat-jar hello.sparky
Then, to run the jar with java
, type:
java -jar hello.sparky-1.0.0.jar
Spark's support for serving static files from the classpath
does not work if the server is executed with module
isolation. Therefore, it's necessary to run with the
option enabled. This option is set by
default in the file .ceylon/config