Contains information about the running instance of OpenShift.
To import this module in your Ceylon module descriptor:
import ceylon.openshift "1.3.3";
To turn your module
into an OpenShift application, you can also install the
CLI plugin we ship:
$ ceylon plugin install ceylon.openshift/1.3.3
And then in your application run:
$ ceylon openshift init
This will create the appropriate .openshift
folder required by the
Ceylon OpenShift cartridge, and from
there you can start your OpenShift application written in Ceylon.
shared void run() {
String url = openshift.postgres.jdbcUrl;
print("Connecting to postgres at ``url``");
setupDatabase(url, openshift.postgres.user, openshift.postgres.password, `package fr.devoxx2015.model`);
"devoxx2015", "devoxx2015", `package fr.devoxx2015.model`);
Config conf;
conf = Config{
hostName = openshift.ip;
port = openshift.port;
externalHostName = openshift.dns;
externalPort = 80;
applicationPath = openshift.repository;
conf = Config{port = 9001;};
Application(`package fr.devoxx2015.controller`, conf).start();