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A simple demostration of a back-end app with Spring and Angular


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The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the use of Angular, Spring Boot, MongoDB and JWT. I have create a Single Page Application (SPA) and a RESTful Web Service.

The SPA shows how easy it is to create a web app with Angular. Spring Boot shows how easy it is to create back-end services. I implemented a level of security using JWT. It allows the web service to be stateless, so we don't need to worry about sessions and it make things very simple for the SPA or any other clients to authenticate and cosume the services. I chose MongoDB for its simplicity. With Spring Data, you can quickly and easyly create a presistence layer.


  1. Install Angular CLI globaly: npm install -g @angular/cli.
  2. Enter spring-boot-angular-demo/spring-boot-angular-client and run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. Build the app by running ng build --prod --base-href=/app/ --output-path=dist/app. (Assuming we'll be serving this app from the specified /app/ context)
  4. Enter spring-boot-angular-demo/spring-boot-angular-server and run mvn package to build the .WAR file.

Running with Docker

That's the quickest way to test the application. Follow these steps:

  1. To have a MongoDB container running on Docker, simply execute docker run -p 27017:27017 --expose 27017 mongo:3.6.5.
  2. Enter spring-boot-angular-demo/ and build the image with docker build -t tomcat ..
  3. To run the image execute docker run -p 8080:8080 -e MONGODB_HOSTNAME=<mongo container ip> tomcat. This will deploy both the SPA and back-end services to the tomcat instance within the container. Note: I would recommend --hostname mongo so you wouldn't need to use docker's ip address but this aparently doesn't work across all platforms.

Running without Docker

If you want to check if the installation went OK, you can run ng serve. Angular CLI will start an HTTP server and deploy the webapp. If all went ok, you will see a login screen if you open http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

In order to use the SPA, you will need to deploy the .WAR file on a server of your choice. Just make sure to set the MONGODB_HOSTNAME environment variable with the hostname of a MongoDB server before.

###Proxying To access both the SPA and the services via the same hostname, I recommend using Apache 2 as a proxy. To do add, add the following configuration to the httpd.conf:

ProxyPass /app http://localhost:4200/app
ProxyPassReverse /app http://localhost:4200/app

ProxyPass /service http://localhost:8080/spring-boot-angular-server
ProxyPassReverse /service http://localhost:8080/spring-boot-angular-server

Feel free to open an issue if you run into any problems or have any suggestions.


A simple demostration of a back-end app with Spring and Angular







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