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selfservice is a CLI tool to make using the Self Service API much easier.



This command will authenticate against the Auth Service, returning a valid token that can be used for later commands.

It requires a API token as an argument and will print an export command that will set the AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.

$ selfservice auth xoxp-504313...
export AUTH_TOKEN=eyJhbGci0i...


This lists the environments that are available to you.

$ selfservice list | jq .
    "id": 136,
    "name": null,
    "credentials": ...,
    "nonce": "e4d21c6e-9f8e-4dba-8ca9-f7e33f1ac140",
    "status": "success",
    "created_at": "2020-10-28T18:28:46.131Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-10-28T18:28:46.131Z",
    "created_by": "",
    "environment_type": "isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10",
    "expiry": null,
    "released_by": null,
    "released_at": null,
    "pool_label": "TAS SRT 2.10"


This gets the details for a single environment.

It requires the Self Service environment ID as an argument.

$ selfservice get 136 | jq .
  "id": 136,
  "name": null,
  "credentials": ...,
  "nonce": "e4d21c6e-9f8e-4dba-8ca9-f7e33f1ac140",
  "status": "success",
  "created_at": "2020-10-28T18:28:46.131Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-10-28T18:28:46.131Z",
  "created_by": "",
  "environment_type": "isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10",
  "expiry": null,
  "released_by": null,
  "released_at": null,
  "pool_label": "TAS SRT 2.10"


This gets the types of environments that can be claimed by this user.

$ selfservice types  | jq .
    "name": "isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10",
    "type": "tas",
    "version": "2.10"


This claims a new environment, returning immediately. The environment might not be usable, so subsequent calls with selfservice get would be required.

It requires an environment type name as an argument.

$ selfservice claim isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10 | jq .
  "id": 139,
  "created_at": "2020-10-28T18:42:27.546Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-10-28T18:42:27.546Z",
  "released_at": null,
  "status": "pending",
  "credentials": null,
  "created_by": "",
  "released_by": null,
  "expiry": null,
  "environment_type": "isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10",
  "url": ""

Claim and Wait

This claims a new environment and then periodically gets updates until the environment is available to use.

It requires an environment type name as an argument.

$ selfservice claimAndWait isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10 | jq .
  "id": 138,
  "name": "first",
  "credentials": "{\"name\":\"first\",\"password\":\"foo\"}",
  "nonce": null,
  "status": "success",
  "created_at": "2020-10-28T18:41:48.384Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-10-28T18:41:49.712Z",
  "created_by": "",
  "environment_type": "isv_ci_tas_srt_2_10",
  "expiry": "2020-10-29T18:41:49.000Z",
  "released_by": null,
  "released_at": null,
  "pool_label": "TAS SRT 2.10"


This releases the environment back to Self Service. The environment will be destroyed and cannot be recovered.

It requires the Self Service environment ID as an argument.

$ selfservice release 145 | jq .
  "id": 145,
  "created_at": "2020-10-28T18:51:56.837Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-10-28T18:54:26.202Z",
  "released_at": "2020-10-28T18:54:26.201Z",
  "status": "releasing",
  "credentials": "{\"name\":\"first\",\"password\":\"foo\"}",
  "created_by": "",
  "released_by": "",
  "expiry": "2020-10-29T18:51:57.000Z",
  "environment_type": "isv_ci_tas_srt_2_7",
  "url": ""


The selfservice CLI uses three environment variables:

  • AUTH_TOKEN - This is the token retrieved by running selfservice auth. It must be set for all other commands.
  • AUTH_URL - This is the URL for the Auth service, used only when fetching Auth tokens. It is by default.
  • SELF_SERVICE_URL - This is the URL for Self Service. It is by default.


Finding your API Token

To get a valid API token for authentication:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Sign in with Broadcom"
  3. Login into support portal using broadcom support credentials
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the profile page
  5. Click on the "Token for API Access" button