The is a simple status bar menu that helps you keep track of your local git repositories and assists with helper functions to get latest changes and do some build tasks.
- shows local changes to your repository: untracked, modified, staged files
- displays current branch and revision
- displays commits behind and commits ahead of remote repository
- if enabled shows pull button in menu which pulls remote changes if no merge is expected
- add custom build command to a project to do any command line commands your project may needs e.x:
cd /home/vagrant && vagrant ssh -c 'cd /some/project && ant'
- works with dark theme
- OSX 10.10 or newer
- the pull/fetch features rely on the remote branch tracking of your local git repo like:
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/develop develop
- refactor some stuff against best practice
- fix inline todo comments, find out whats going wrong there
- remove boilerplate code and de duplicate code
- maybe switch from obj-c to swift
- make a better UI to fit apple human interface guidelines, fancy icons ;-)
- add core data versioning and migrations, current workaround:
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/cfuerst.git_peek_menu/OSXCoreDataObjC.storedata