Host deplete all samples with 47 Pangenomes from the Human Pangenome Project, T2T-CHM13v2.0, GRCh38.p14 and PhiX (Host Depletion Repo)
- Input: Raw fastq files with mixed microbial and human reads
- Output: Fastq files with just microbial reads
Run SHOGUN + Woltka pipeline using RS210 -Clean
- Input: Fastq files with just microbial reads
- Output: Biom/taxonomy table for all samples including blanks
Run SCRuB to remove any lab associated contamination: 1_SCRuB_Decontamination.ipynb
- Input: Biom/taxonomy table for all samples including blanks
- Output: Decontaminated biom/taxonomy table for all biological samples
Run micov to determine which taxa may be falsely mapped and remove those taxa: 2_MicovFilter.ipynb
- Input: Decontaminated biom/taxonomy table for all biological samples from SCRuB + SAM files from host depletion
- Output: Decontaminated + mismapped taxa reduction biom/taxonomy table for all biological samples
Beta diversity analysis using Qiime2 and RPCA
- Input: Decontaminated + mismapped taxa reduction biom/taxonomy table for all biological samples
- Output: Beta diversity differences across disease groups
Performing differential abundance using BIRDMAn, Genome data across disease groups data using Birdman.
- Input: Decontaminated + mismapped taxa reduction biom/taxonomy table for all biological samples
- Output: Top microbial features according to Birdman