The only supported version is the latest major version. Security fixes are not backported to earlier releases.
If you find a vulnerability in Maven-Lockfile, there are two preferred ways to report it.
If none of these ways work for you, please reach out to us by email without disclosing the vulnerability to discuss alternatives.
Send an email to any of the CHAINS project members listed in [](Github Page), and say that you've found a vulnerability. Do not disclose any details. The member will create a Security Advisory and invite you to it, where you can then safely disclose the vulnerability.
Some members have public PGP keys that you can use to encrypt a
message, for example using gpg
. If you write down the vulnerability
in a file vuln.txt
, you can encrypt it with gpg
like so:
$ gpg --recv-keys <key_fingerprint> # fetch the key
$ gpg --encrypt --armor -r <key_fingerprints> vuln.txt # encrypt the message
This creates a file vuln.txt.asc
that you can then attach to an email.