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extended support for dyadics
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chakravala committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent b36c93b commit 90ba554
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Showing 4 changed files with 151 additions and 20 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions src/Grassmann.jl
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Expand Up @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ import AbstractTensors: Values, Variables, FixedVector, clifford, hodge, wedge,
export , ℝ, @V_str, @S_str, @D_str, Manifold, Submanifold, Signature, DiagonalForm, value
export @basis, @basis_str, @dualbasis, @dualbasis_str, @mixedbasis, @mixedbasis_str, Λ
export ℝ0, ℝ1, ℝ2, ℝ3, ℝ4, ℝ5, ℝ6, ℝ7, ℝ8, ℝ9, mdims, tangent, metric, antimetric
export hodge, wedge, vee, complement, dot, antidot
export hodge, wedge, vee, complement, dot, antidot, istangent

import Base: @pure, ==, isapprox
import Base: print, show, getindex, setindex!, promote_rule, convert, adjoint
import DirectSum: V0, , generate, basis, getalgebra, getbasis, dual, Zero, One, Zero, One
import Leibniz: hasinf, hasorigin, dyadmode, value, pre, vsn, metric, mdims
import Leibniz: hasinf, hasorigin, dyadmode, value, pre, vsn, metric, mdims, gdims
import Leibniz: bit2int, indexbits, indices, diffvars, diffmask
import Leibniz: symmetricmask, indexstring, indexsymbol, combo, digits_fast
import DirectSum: antimetric
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ end
d::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = Manifold(ω)(∇)ω
δ::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = -(ω)

function boundary_rank(t,d=gdims(t))
out = gdims((t))
function boundary_rank(t,d=count_gdims(t))
out = count_gdims((t))
out[1] = 0
for k 2:length(out)-1
@inbounds out[k] = min(out[k],d[k+1])
Expand All @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function boundary_rank(t,d=gdims(t))

function boundary_null(t)
d = gdims(t)
d = count_gdims(t)
r = boundary_rank(t,d)
l = length(d)
out = zeros(Variables{l,Int})
Expand All @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ end
Compute the Betti numbers.
function betti(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra
d = gdims(t)
d = count_gdims(t)
r = boundary_rank(t,d)
l = length(d)-1
out = zeros(Variables{l,Int})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -569,8 +569,7 @@ function __init__()
DyadicChain(m::StaticArrays.SMatrix{N,N}) where N = Chain{Submanifold(N),1}(m)
Chain{V,G}(m::StaticArrays.SMatrix{N,N}) where {V,G,N} = Chain{V,G}(Chain{V,G}.(getindex.(Ref(m),:,StaticArrays.SVector{N}(1:N))))
Chain{V,G,Chain{W,G}}(m::StaticArrays.SMatrix{M,N}) where {V,W,G,M,N} = Chain{V,G}(Chain{W,G}.(getindex.(Ref(m),:,StaticArrays.SVector{N}(1:N))))
Base.exp(A::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,G}}) where {V,G} = Chain{V,G}(exp(StaticArrays.SMatrix(A)))
Base.log(A::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,G}}) where {V,G} = Chain{V,G}(log(StaticArrays.SMatrix(A)))
#Base.log(A::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,G}}) where {V,G} = Chain{V,G}(log(StaticArrays.SMatrix(A)))
LinearAlgebra.eigvals(A::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,G}}) where {V,G} = Chain(Values{binomial(mdims(V),G)}(LinearAlgebra.eigvals(StaticArrays.SMatrix(A))))
LinearAlgebra.eigvecs(A::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,G}}) where {V,G} = Chain(Chain.(Values{binomial(mdims(A),G)}.(getindex.(Ref(LinearAlgebra.eigvecs(StaticArrays.SMatrix(A))),:,list(1,binomial(mdims(A),G))))))
function LinearAlgebra.eigen(A::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,G}}) where {V,G}
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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/composite.jl
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Expand Up @@ -216,6 +216,109 @@ function Base.exp(t::T,::Val{hint}) where T<:TensorGraded{V} where {V,hint}

@inline Base.expm1(A::DyadicChain) = exp(A)-I
@inline Base.exp(A::DyadicChain{V,G,T,1}) where {V,G,T} = Chain{V,G}(Values(Chain{V,G}(exp(A[1][1]))))

@inline function Base.exp(A::DyadicChain{V,G,<:Real,2}) where {V,G}
T = typeof(exp(zero(valuetype(A))))
@inbounds a = A[1][1]
@inbounds c = A[1][2]
@inbounds b = A[2][1]
@inbounds d = A[2][2]
v = (a-d)^2 + 4*b*c
if v > 0
z = sqrt(v)
z1 = cosh(z / 2)
z2 = sinh(z / 2) / z
elseif v < 0
z = sqrt(-v)
z1 = cos(z / 2)
z2 = sin(z / 2) / z
else # if v == 0
z1 = T(1.0)
z2 = T(0.5)
r = exp((a + d) / 2)
m11 = r * (z1 + (a - d) * z2)
m12 = r * 2b * z2
m21 = r * 2c * z2
m22 = r * (z1 - (a - d) * z2)
Chain{V,G}(Chain{V,G}(m11, m21), Chain{V,G}(m12, m22))

@inline function Base.exp(A::DyadicChain{V,G,<:Complex,2}) where {V,G}
T = typeof(exp(zero(valuetype(A))))
@inbounds a = A[1][1]
@inbounds c = A[1][2]
@inbounds b = A[2][1]
@inbounds d = A[2][2]
z = sqrt((a - d)*(a - d) + 4*b*c )
e = expm1((a + d - z) / 2)
f = expm1((a + d + z) / 2)
ϵ = eps()
g = abs2(z) < ϵ^2 ? exp((a + d) / 2) * (1 + z^2 / 24) : (f - e) / z
m11 = (g * (a - d) + f + e) / 2 + 1
m12 = g * b
m21 = g * c
m22 = (-g * (a - d) + f + e) / 2 + 1
Chain{V,G}(Chain{V,G}(m11, m21), Chain{V,G}(m12, m22))

# Adapted from implementation in Base; algorithm from
# Higham, "Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation", SIAM, 2008
function Base.exp(_A::DyadicChain{W,G,T,N}) where {W,G,T,N}
S = typeof((zero(T)*zero(T) + zero(T)*zero(T))/one(T))
A = Chain{W,G}(map.(S,value(_A)))
# omitted: matrix balancing, i.e., LAPACK.gebal!
nA = maximum(sum.(value.(map.(abs,value(A)))))
# marginally more performant than norm(A, 1)
## For sufficiently small nA, use lower order Padé-Approximations
if (nA <= 2.1)
A2 = A*A
if nA > 0.95
U = S(8821612800)*I+A2*(S(302702400)*I+A2*(S(2162160)*I+A2*(S(3960)*I+A2)))
U = A*U
V = S(17643225600)*I+A2*(S(2075673600)*I+A2*(S(30270240)*I+A2*(S(110880)*I+S(90)*A2)))
elseif nA > 0.25
U = S(8648640)*I+A2*(S(277200)*I+A2*(S(1512)*I+A2))
U = A*U
V = S(17297280)*I+A2*(S(1995840)*I+A2*(S(25200)*I+S(56)*A2))
elseif nA > 0.015
U = S(15120)*I+A2*(S(420)*I+A2)
U = A*U
V = S(30240)*I+A2*(S(3360)*I+S(30)*A2)
U = S(60)*I+A2
U = A*U
V = S(120)*I+S(12)*A2
expA = (V - U) \ (V + U)
s = log2(nA/5.4) # power of 2 later reversed by squaring
if s > 0
si = ceil(Int,s)
A = A / S(2^si)
A2 = A*A
A4 = A2*A2
A6 = A2*A4
U = A6*(A6 + S(16380)*A4 + S(40840800)*A2) +
(S(33522128640)*A6 + S(10559470521600)*A4 + S(1187353796428800)*A2) +
U = A*U
V = A6*(S(182)*A6 + S(960960)*A4 + S(1323241920)*A2) +
(S(670442572800)*A6 + S(129060195264000)*A4 + S(7771770303897600)*A2) +
expA = (V - U) \ (V + U)
if s > 0 # squaring to reverse dividing by power of 2
for t=1:si
expA = expA*expA

qlog(b::PseudoCouple,x::Int=10000) = qlog(multispin(b),x)
qlog(b::AntiSpinor,x::Int=10000) = qlog(Multivector(b),x)
function qlog(w::T,x::Int=10000) where T<:TensorAlgebra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -804,6 +907,7 @@ function inv_approx(t::Chain{M,1,<:Chain{V,1}}) where {M,V}
mdims(M) < mdims(V) ? (inv(ttt))tt : ttinv(ttt)

Base.:\(t::Chain{M,1,<:Chain{W,1}},v::Chain{V,1,<:Chain}) where {M,W,V} = Chain{V,1}(t.\value(v))
Base.:\(t::Chain{M,1,<:Chain{W,1}},v::Chain{V,1}) where {M,W,V} = value(t)\v{V,1},t::Chain{W,1,<:Chain{V,1}}) where {V,W} = v value(t)
Base.inv(t::Chain{V,1,<:Chain{W,1}}) where {W,V} = inv(value(t))
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45 changes: 36 additions & 9 deletions src/multivectors.jl
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Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,18 @@ end
import Leibniz: Fields, parval, mixed, mvecs, svecs, spinsum, spinsum_set
parsym = (Symbol,parval...)

Toggles compact numbers for extended `Grassmann` elements (enabled by default)
compact = ( () -> begin
return (tf=io)->(iotf && (io=tf); return io)

compactio(io::IO) = compact() ? IOContext(io, :compact => true) : io

function showterm(io::IO,V,B::UInt,i::T,compact=get(io,:compact,false)) where T
if !(|(broadcast(<:,T,parsym)...)) && signbit(i) && !isnan(i)
print(io, compact ? "-" : " - ")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,17 +96,24 @@ Chain(v::Chain{V,G,𝕂}) where {V,G,𝕂} = v

DyadicProduct{V,W,G,T,N} = Chain{V,G,Chain{W,G,T,N},N}
DyadicChain{V,G,T,N} = DyadicProduct{V,V,G,T,N}
#TriadicProduct{V,W,G,T,N} = Chain{V,G,DyadicChain{W,G,T,N},N}
#DyadicChain{V,G,T,N} = Chain{V,G,Chain{V,G,T,N},N}
#TriadicChain{V,G,T,N,M} = Chain{V,G,DyadicChain{V,1,T,M},N}

Base.Matrix(m::Chain{V,G,<:TensorGraded{W,G}}) where {V,W,G} = hcat(value.(Chain.(value(m)))...)
Base.Matrix(m::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{W,G}}) where {V,W,G} = hcat(value.(value(m))...)
DyadicChain(m::Matrix) = Chain{Submanifold(size(m)[1]),1}(m)
Chain{V}(m::Matrix) where V = Chain{V,1}(m)
function Chain{V,G}(m::Matrix) where {V,G}
N = size(m)[2]
Chain{V,G,Chain{N≠mdims(V) ? Submanifold(N) : V,G}}(m)
Chain{V,G,Chain{W,G}}(m::Matrix) where {V,W,G} = Chain{V,G}(Chain{W,G}.(getindex.(Ref(m),:,list(1,size(m)[2]))))
DyadicChain{V,G}(m::Matrix) where {V,G} = Chain{V,G}(Chain{V,G}.(getindex.(Ref(m),:,list(1,size(m)[2]))))
DyadicChain{V}(m::Matrix) where V = DyadicChain{V,1}(m)
DyadicChain(m::Matrix) = DyadicChain{Submanifold(size(m)[1])}(m)
Base.log(A::DyadicChain{V,G}) where {V,G} = DyadicChain{V,G}(log(Matrix(A)))

export Chain, DyadicProduct, DyadicChain
export Chain, DyadicChain, TriadicChain, DyadicProduct
getindex(m::Chain,i::Int) = m.v[i]
getindex(m::Chain,i::UnitRange{Int}) = m.v[i]
getindex(m::Chain,i::T) where T<:AbstractVector = m.v[i]
Expand All @@ -118,6 +137,7 @@ Base.transpose(t::Chain{V,1,<:Chain{W,1}}) where {V,W} = _transpose(value(t),V)

function show(io::IO, m::Chain{V,G,T}) where {V,G,T}
ib,compact = indexbasis(mdims(V),G),get(io,:compact,false)
io = compactio(io)
@inbounds Leibniz.showvalue(io,V,ib[1],m.v[1])
for k list(2,binomial(mdims(V),G))
@inbounds showterm(io,V,ib[k],m.v[k],compact)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,6 +390,7 @@ getindex(m::Multivector,i::T) where T<:AbstractVector = m.v[i]
setindex!(m::Multivector{V,T} where V,k::T,i::Int,j::Int) where T = (m[i][j] = k)
Base.firstindex(m::Multivector) = 0
Base.lastindex(m::Multivector{V,T} where T) where V = mdims(V)
@pure Base.length(m::Multivector{V}) where V = 1<<mdims(V)

(m::Multivector{V,T})(g::Val{G}) where {V,T,G} = Chain{V,G,T}(m[g])
(m::Multivector{V,T})(g::Int,i) where {V,T} = m(Val(g),i)
Expand All @@ -388,6 +409,7 @@ end

function show(io::IO, m::Multivector{V,T}) where {V,T}
N,compact,bases = mdims(V),get(io,:compact,false),true
io = compactio(io)
bs = binomsum_set(N)
@inbounds print(io,m.v[1])
for i list(2,N+1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,6 +514,7 @@ for pinor ∈ (:Spinor,:AntiSpinor)
#setindex!(m::$pinor{V,T} where V,k::T,i::Int,j::Int) where T = (m[i][j] = k)
Base.firstindex(m::$pinor) = 0
Base.lastindex(m::$pinor{V,T} where T) where V = mdims(V)
@pure Base.length(m::$pinor{V}) where V = 1<<(mdims(V)-1)
grade(m::$pinor,g::Val) = m(g)
(m::$pinor{V,T})(g::Int,i::Int) where {T,V} = m(Val(g),i)
Multivector(t::$pinor{V}) where V = Multivector{V}(t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,6 +666,7 @@ end

function, m::Spinor{V,T}) where {V,T}
N,compact = mdims(V),get(io,:compact,false)
io = compactio(io)
bs = spinsum_set(N)
@inbounds print(io,m.v[1])
for i evens(2,N)
Expand All @@ -654,6 +678,7 @@ function, m::Spinor{V,T}) where {V,T}
function, m::AntiSpinor{V,T}) where {V,T}
N,compact = mdims(V),get(io,:compact,false)
io = compactio(io)
bs = antisum_set(N)
for i evens(1,N)
ib = indexbasis(N,i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,6 +891,7 @@ for couple ∈ (:Couple,:PseudoCouple)
Spinor{V}(val::$couple{V,B,𝕂}) where {V,B,𝕂} = Spinor{V,𝕂}(val)$couple{V,B,T}) where {V,B,T} = $couple{V,B}(zero(Complex{T})){$couple{V,B,T}}) where {V,B,T} = $couple{V,B}(zero(Complex{T}))
@pure Base.length(m::$couple) = 2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1007,6 +1033,7 @@ getindex(P::Dyadic,i::Int,j::Int) = P.x[i]*P.y[j]
show(io::IO,P::Dyadic) = print(io,"(",P.x,")⊗(",P.y,")")

DyadicChain(P::Dyadic{V}) where V = DyadicProduct{V}(P)
#DyadicChain{V}(P::Dyadic{V}) where V = outer(P.x,P.y)
DyadicChain{V}(P::Dyadic{V}) where V = DyadicProduct{V}(p)
DyadicProduct(P::Dyadic{V}) where V = DyadicProduct{V}(P)
DyadicProduct{V}(P::Dyadic{V}) where V = outer(P.x,P.y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1184,27 +1211,27 @@ end
@pure maxpseudograde(t::Type{<:AntiSpinor{V}}) where V = mdims(V)-1
@pure nextmaxpseudograde(t) = maxpseudograde(t)-nextgrade(t)

Leibniz.gdims(t::Tuple{Vector{<:Chain},Vector{Int}}) = gdims(t[1][findall(x->!iszero(x),t[2])])
function Leibniz.gdims(t::Vector{<:Chain})
Leibniz.count_gdims(t::Tuple{Vector{<:Chain},Vector{Int}}) = count_gdims(t[1][findall(x->!iszero(x),t[2])])
function Leibniz.count_gdims(t::Vector{<:Chain})
out = @inbounds zeros(Variables{mdims(Manifold(points(t)))+1,Int})
@inbounds out[mdims(Manifold(t))+1] = length(t)
return out
function Leibniz.gdims(t::Values{N,<:Vector}) where N
function Leibniz.count_gdims(t::Values{N,<:Vector}) where N
out = @inbounds zeros(Variables{mdims(points(t[1]))+1,Int})
for i list(1,N)
@inbounds out[mdims(Manifold(t[i]))+1] = length(t[i])
return out
function Leibniz.gdims(t::Values{N,<:Tuple}) where N
function Leibniz.count_gdims(t::Values{N,<:Tuple}) where N
out = @inbounds zeros(Variables{mdims(points(t[1][1]))+1,Int})
for i list(1,N)
@inbounds out[mdims(Manifold(t[i][1]))+1] = length(t[i][1])
return out
function Leibniz.gdims(t::Multivector{V}) where V
function Leibniz.count_gdims(t::Multivector{V}) where V
N = mdims(V)
out = zeros(Variables{N+1,Int})
bs = binomsum_set(N)
Expand All @@ -1217,8 +1244,8 @@ function Leibniz.gdims(t::Multivector{V}) where V
return out

Leibniz.χ(t::Values{N,<:Vector}) where N = (B=gdims(t);sum([B[t]*(-1)^t for t list(1,length(B))]))
Leibniz.χ(t::Values{N,<:Tuple}) where N = (B=gdims(t);sum([B[t]*(-1)^t for t list(1,length(B))]))
Leibniz.χ(t::Values{N,<:Vector}) where N = (B=count_gdims(t);sum([B[t]*(-1)^t for t list(1,length(B))]))
Leibniz.χ(t::Values{N,<:Tuple}) where N = (B=count_gdims(t);sum([B[t]*(-1)^t for t list(1,length(B))]))

## Adjoint

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/products.jl
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Expand Up @@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ contraction(a::Proj{V,<:Chain{V,1,<:TensorNested}},b::TensorGraded{V,0}) where V
#contraction(a::Chain{W,1,<:Proj{V}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = Chain{W,1}(value(a).⋅b)
contraction(a::Chain{W,1,<:Dyadic{V}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = Chain{W,1}(value(a).⋅Ref(b))
contraction(a::Proj{W,<:Chain{W,1,<:TensorNested{V}}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = a.v:b
contraction(a::Chain{W},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain}) where {W,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(value.(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Chain{W,L,<:Chain},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{W,L}}) where {W,L,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(value.(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Chain{W},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain}) where {W,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(value.(Single.(Ref(a).⋅value(b))))
contraction(a::Chain{W,L,<:Chain,N},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{W,L},M}) where {W,L,G,V,N,M} = Chain{V,G}(value.(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Multivector{W,<:Multivector},b::Multivector{V,<:Multivector{W}}) where {W,V} = Multivector{V}(column(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
Base.:(:)(a::Chain{V,1,<:Chain},b::Chain{V,1,<:Chain}) where V = sum(value(a).⋅value(b))
Base.:(:)(a::Chain{W,1,<:Dyadic{V}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = sum(value(a).⋅Ref(b))
Expand All @@ -725,7 +725,8 @@ contraction(a::Submanifold{W},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain}) where {W,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(
contraction(a::Single{W},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain}) where {W,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(column(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(x::Chain{V,G,<:Chain},y::Single{V,G}) where {V,G} = value(y)*x[bladeindex(mdims(V),UInt(basis(y)))]
contraction(x::Chain{V,G,<:Chain},y::Submanifold{V,G}) where {V,G} = x[bladeindex(mdims(V),UInt(y))]
contraction(a::Chain{V,L,<:Chain{V,G}},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V}}) where {V,G,L} = Chain{V,G}(matmul(value(a),value(b)))
contraction(a::Chain{V,L,<:Chain{V,G},N},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V},M}) where {V,G,L,N,M} = Chain{V,G}(contraction.(Ref(a),value(b)))
contraction(x::Chain{V,L,<:Chain{V,G},N},y::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{V,L},N}) where {L,N,V,G} = Chain{V,G}(contraction.(Ref(x),value(y)))
contraction(x::Chain{W,L,<:Chain{V,G},N},y::Chain{V,G,T,N}) where {W,L,N,V,G,T} = Chain{V,G}(matmul(value(x),value(y)))
contraction(x::Chain{W,L,<:Multivector{V},N},y::Chain{V,G,T,N}) where {W,L,N,V,G,T} = Multivector{V}(matmul(value(x),value(y)))
contraction(x::Multivector{W,<:Chain{V,G},N},y::Multivector{V,T,N}) where {W,N,V,G,T} = Chain{V,G}(matmul(value(x),value(y)))
Expand Down

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