Nexify is a user-friendly online e-shopping platform designed to simplify the shopping experience. This project was developed as part of the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) module in Year 2, Semester 1 at SLIIT.
Our project emphasizes clean code, modular design, and a well-organized file structure, adhering to Java naming conventions and best practices.
- Admin Functionality: Admins can add new products to the platform.
- Search Functionality: Users can search for products by name or category for easier navigation.
- User Authentication: Users must log in to add or view reviews for products.
- Guest Accessibility: Non-logged-in users can browse and add items to their cart using sessions.
- Dynamic Shopping Cart: Allows cart functionality for both logged-in and guest users.
- Product Reviews: Reviews and ratings are accessible only after logging in.
- Order Management: Order details can be added, updated, or deleted. However, inventory quantity remains unchanged (future enhancement planned).
- Front-End Validations: Ensures data integrity and provides a seamless user experience.
The project is organized following the MVC architecture and proper Java coding conventions to ensure clarity and scalability.
- Technology Stack:
- Java Servlets and JSP
- MVC Architecture
- OOP Principles:
- Utilized abstraction, inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism.
- Session Management: -Enabled shopping cart functionality without requiring a login.
- Coding Standards:
- Proper naming conventions for classes, methods, and variables.
- Clear separation of concerns across layers: Controller, DAO, Model, Service.
- Download the project files or clone the repository.
- Set up the database using the provided schema.
- Open the project in Eclipse IDE.
- Navigate to
File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace
- Navigate to
- Configure the database connection in the DBConnect class.
- Navigate to
dao > DBConnect
- Navigate to
- Configure the server:
- Add an Apache Tomcat server to Eclipse.
- Deploy the project on the configured server.
- Run the project on the server:
- Right-click the project in Eclipse and select
Run As > Run on Server
- Right-click the project in Eclipse and select
- Access the application through the browser.