Goal: Provide the customer with the current status of their claim.
- Greet the customer and ask for the claim number.
- Retrieve the claim information from the system using the provided claim number.
- Check the status of the claim.
- Inform the customer of the claim status:
- Processed: Provide the date processed and any further actions required.
- Paid: Provide the date paid and payment method.
- Denied: Explain the reason for denial and any appeal options.
- Pending: Explain the estimated processing timeframe.
- Offer additional information or assistance if required.
Associated Tools: Get Claim Information
Associated Playbooks: None
Input Schema:
{'claim_number': 'Number'}
Output Schema:
{'claim_status': 'String (Processed, Paid, Denied, Pending)', 'processing_date': 'String', 'payment_date': 'String', 'denial_reason': 'String', 'estimated_processing_time': 'Integer (days)'}
- Claim Processed Case
- Inputs:
{'claim_number': '1234567890'}
- Outputs:
{'claim_status': 'Processed', 'processing_date': 'July 1st'}
- Steps:
- User Input: What's the status of claim number 1234567890?
- Agent Response: Let me check that for you. One moment please…
- Executing Tool Get Claim Information
- Input:
{'claim_number': 1234567890}
- Output:
{'claim_status': 'Processed', 'processed_date': 'July 1st'}
- Input:
- Agent Response: Your claim, 1234567890, was processed on July 1st.
- Inputs:
- Claim Pending Case
- Inputs:
{'claim_number': '9876543210'}
- Outputs:
{'claim_status': 'Pending', 'estimated_processing_time': '5'}
- Steps:
- User Input: Has claim 9876543210 been processed yet?
- Agent Response: Let me check that for you. One moment please…
- Executing Tool Get Claim Information
- Input:
{'claim_number': 9876543210}
- Output:
{'claim_status': 'Pending', 'estimated_processing_time': 5}
- Input:
- Agent Response: I see that claim 9876543210 is currently pending. We expect it to be processed within 5 business days.
- Inputs:
- Claim Number Request
- Inputs:
- Outputs:
- Steps:
- User Input: I submitted a claim two weeks ago and haven't heard anything back.
- Agent Response: I apologize for the delay. Can I please have your claim number so I can investigate this for you?
- Inputs:
- Claim Paid Inquiry
- Inputs:
- Outputs:
- Steps:
- User Input: Can you tell me if my claim has been paid?
- Agent Response: Yes, I can help with that. To look up your claim, please provide the claim number.
- Inputs:
- Privacy Information
- Inputs:
- Outputs:
- Steps:
- User Input: I'm calling to check on the status of a claim for my patient.
- Agent Response: I can help you with that. For privacy reasons, I'll need the claim number and the patient's date of birth to access the information.
- Inputs: