Implemented Logistic Regression, Multi-class Logistic Regression and, Artificial Neural Networks from scratch using Python
File naming convention and Description
q1.ipynb : This file contains the python implementation of the first problem-Logistic Regression.
q2.ipynb : This file contains the python implementation of the second problem-multiclass Logistic Regression.
q3.ipynb : This file contains the python implementation of the third problem-ANN
Report.pdf: This file consists of the entire summarization of the results acquired by the above python codes.
Execution of the above files
You will need to install any latest version Python-3
You will need Anaconda to execute the above submitted python code.Anconda is required as it installs all the necessary packages for importing such as numpy,random...etc
After installing anaconda use -pip install notebook command to install jupyter notebook
Open jupyter notebook kernel by typing a command in the anaconda prompt $jupyter notebook -- command to open jupyter notebook
Open the files in jupyter notebook by selecting the open file option in the jupyter notebook
Run the files in individual kernels or files.
or you can change the directory to the destination folder and enter jupyter notebook command to open the files in jupyter notebook