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parkd126 edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 9 revisions


TestRail currently supports custom fields for two entities, namely for test cases and test results. Custom fields for test cases allow you to add additional details to your test cases. Custom fields for test results can be used to record additional information when test results are entered (for example, on the Add Test Result dialog).


Name Type Description Request Methods
id Int The unique ID of the case field getCaseFields
systemName String The unique name of this field in the database. Should be all lower case, no spaces. Please note: this name cannot be changed later. getCaseFields
entityId Int The ID of the entity (test case, test result) this field is for getCaseFields
typeId Int The ID of the custom field type getCaseFields
locationId Int The ID of the location for the custom case field. Top for small fields and bottom for large fields. getCaseFields
displayOrder Int The index of the custom field in the list of other custom fields getCaseFields
isMulti Boolean True if the case field is available in multiple specified projects. Otherwise false and the case field is available in all projects. getCaseFields
isActive Boolean Set flag to true if you want the custom field included for all cases. Otherwise (false). Disabling a field can be useful to hide it from TestRail's user interface without the need to delete the project assignments or the entire field (including data). getCaseFields
statusId Int The ID of the custom field status getCaseFields
isSystem Boolean True if the caseField is a default system case field. False otherwise. getCaseFields
type Type The type identifier for the new custom field getCaseFields, addCaseField
name String The name for new the custom field; When creating new custom fields, use simple names without the “custom_” prefix since this will be added automatically. getCaseFields, addCaseField
label String The label for the new custom field getCaseFields, addCaseField
description String The description for the new custom field getCaseFields, addCaseField
includeAll Boolean Set flag to true if you want the new custom field included for all templates. Otherwise (false) specify the ID's of templates to be included as the next parameter (template_ids) getCaseFields, addCaseField
templateIds List<Int> ID's of templates new custom field will apply to if include_all is set to false getCaseFields, addCaseField
configs List<Config> An object wrapped in an array with two default keys, 'context' and 'options' getCaseFields, addCaseField


GET Requests:

1. getCaseFields()


Returns a list of available test case custom fields.

val caseFields = Case().getCaseFields()


POST Requests:

1. addCaseField()


Creates a new test case custom field.

Name Type Description Required
type String The type identifier for the new custom field See Type doc Yes
name String The name for new the custom field Yes
label String The label for the new custom field Yes
description String The description for the new custom field No
includeAll Boolean Set flag to true if you want the new custom field included for all templates. Otherwise (false) specify the ID's of templates to be included as the next parameter (template_ids) No
templateIds List<Int> ID's of templates new custom field will apply to if include_all is set to false No
configs List<Config> An object wrapped in an array with two default keys, 'context' and 'options' No
val caseFieldFoo = CaseField(
        type = Type.USER,
        name = "My CaseField",
        label = "my_casefield"


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