- #26 Logo (by @nunojesus)
- #27 Support for boolean propereties
- #24 removed annoying printout during message dumping
- #23 Support for legacy ActiveMQ versions
- #22 Script transformation of messages during copy and move
- #21 Object properties that cannot be deserialized are now siently ignored. This gives better support for Azure Service Bus.
- #18 The start script in distribution does no longer need to be edited, just put on path in the same folder as the jar-filer. Suggestion from @kutzi
- #17 Queues with slashes are now supported
- #19 Argument -D renamed to -E to avoid confusion with Java params.
- #20 Incorrect start script fixed
- New command options: version and jms-type
- Automatic build of dist
- Script transformation of messages during read-folder and put.
- Support for Dump and Restore of queue content for data migrations between brokers and JMS providers.
- Support for JavaScript transformations during Dump and Restore.
- Removed support for Java 1.5 and 1.6.
- Fix of bug that prevented putting BytesMessages
- Litmited support for Azure Service Bus
- Support to send MapMessage
- New client versions of ActiveMQ (5.14.3) and Artemis (1.4.0)
- CorrelationID can be set using -D
- MapMessage can be displaed
- Debian package assembler included in build process
- ActiveMQ client version updated to 5.14.0
- Support to set Int and Long properties when sending messages
- Advisiory messages are handled and will be printed if listening to topic ActiveMQ.Advisory.>
- ActiveMQ Artemis protocol support
- List queues on the broker (OpenWire, experimental)
- Number of messages in move command
- Change of group-id/package of artifact.
- Update AMQP client lib to QPid proton 0.32
- Update of ActiveMQ lib to 5.12.1
- AMQP 1.0 support
- Binary size reduced to half
- Logback logging instead of log4j
- Corrected output after copy/move
- JMSPriority can be set
- Enhanced documentation on copy and TLS/SSL
- Support for authentication via username and password
- Support for subscribing to topics
- wait on get operation can be specified.
- Bug fix that allows connection to remote broker
- A