My personal site made with Nextjs, Tailwindcss
- Nextjs (build faster website)
- Tailwindcss (Edit css with simple and faster way)
- react-icon (Easy way to import icons from many icons provider)
- IonIcon (Simple and light icons built by Ionic)
- react-loading-skeleton (Make beautiful animated loading skeletons when data still fetching)
- Headless-ui (Beautifully ui components built with tailwindcss)
- react-youtube (youtube iframe player for react)
- NextAuth (Authentication for Next.js)
- Supabase (open source Firebase alternative)
- react-youtube (youtube iframe player for react)
- Framer Motion (Pages route transition)
- gh-pinned-repos (Pinned repo of github)
- Github rest API (Data of my github public repos)
- YouTube Data API v3 (Music page playlist)
run npm install
or yarn install
run yarn dev
or npm run dev