The Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Protocol Engine
Go FIX server
Go FIX client
for example: example/demoServer
- Create a struct for server event call back, and put your own message process in the callback functions.
type myApp struct { } var _ fixacceptor.ApplicationIF = (*myApp)(nil) func (a *myApp) OnError(msg string, err error) { fmt.Printf(msg, err) } func (a *myApp) OnErrorStr(msg string) { fmt.Printf(msg) } func (app *myApp) OnEvent(msg string) { fmt.Println(msg) } func (app *myApp) FromAdmin(fixMsg *quickfix.Message) { fmt.Println("FromAdmin:", fixMsg) } func (app *myApp) FromApp(fixMsg *quickfix.Message) { fmt.Println("FromApp:", fixMsg) } func (app *myApp) OnSendedData(fixMsg *quickfix.Message) { fmt.Println("OnSent:", fixMsg) } func (app *myApp) OnDisconnected(serverIP string, serverPort uint16) { fmt.Printf("OnDisconnected:%s:%d/n", serverIP, serverPort) }
- Use the server and go
var setting = fixacceptor.DefaultConfig() setting.Port = 5001 setting.SenderCompID = "NASDAQ" setting.FixDataDictPath = "./spec/FIX42.xml" app := new(myApp) acceptor := fixacceptor.NewAcceptor(setting, app) acceptor.Start()
for example: example/fixTradeClient
- Create a struct for server event call back, and put your own message process in the callback functions.
type tradeCliApp struct { } var _ fixinitiator.ApplicationIF = (*tradeCliApp)(nil) func (app *tradeCliApp) OnConnected(serverIP string, serverPort uint16) { } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnError(msg string, err error) { fmt.Println(msg, err) } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnErrorStr(msg string) { fmt.Println(msg) } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnEvent(msg string) { fmt.Println(msg) } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnAdminMsg(fixmsg *quickfix.Message) { fmt.Println(fixmsg) } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnAppMsg(fixmsg *quickfix.Message) { atomic.AddInt64(&GRspRcvNum, 1) fmt.Println(fixmsg) } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnDisconnected(serverIP string, serverPort uint16) { } func (app *tradeCliApp) OnSendedData(msg *fixinitiator.MsgPkg) { }
- Use the client and go
var setting = fixinitiator.DefaultConfig() setting.FixDataDictPath = "./spec/FIX42.xml" setting.RemoteIP = "" setting.RemotePort = 5001 setting.BeginString = "FIX.4.2" setting.SenderCompID = "qaib84" setting.TargetCompID = "IB" app := new(tradeCliApp) gFixCli = fixinitiator.NewInitiator(setting, app) var ( senderStartSeqNum uint64 = 1 targetStartSeqNum uint64 = 1 ) gFixCli.Start(senderStartSeqNum, targetStartSeqNum)
- Send a new trade order
fixOrder = buildIBNewOrderSingle() mpkg.Fixmsg = fixOrder gFixCli.SendMsgToSvr(mpkg)