Project Members - Chetan Goyal, Jefferson Dias, Riya Kale, Devshree Parikh, Sangram Thorat
Please first seed data to database using following steps and then run-
- npm install
- cd tasks
- node seed.js
- cd ..
- node app.js
To login after seeding -
username - password - Group5@123
username - password - Group5@123
Before logging in, using posts tab you can view all the posts, see all universities and see individual university After signing up/loggining in - you can view the posts, like posts, commnet on posts and unlike already liked posts. On each individual university page, you can give rating, if given already then change rating, post revie/commnet, and delete them of your own You can add to favourite up to five universities and unfavourite them as well You can view your profile after logging in, update it and and update the password as well, and logout as well