This Project uses micropython to control an ev3 brick using another ev3 brick
Liberys used in this project:
- PC with macos or windows
- 2 ev3 bricks
- 2 micro sd cards
- adhesive tape
- VS-Code, the "LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 MicroPython" and "ev3dev-browser" extensions or SSH over USB-Ethernet for uploading the program to the Ev3-Bricks
- Mini-USB-Cable
Download the Micropython-Ev3 image from:
Flash the Micro-SD cards from the image-file (using for example
Plug the Mini-USB-Cable in and connect your computer with the Ev3-Brick (using for example VS-Code)
Download the remote control code and unzip it
Open the folder with the code in VS-Code and upload the code to the Ev3-Bricks
Leave the hostnames on default or set them to default by running setup_brick.SSH
Pair the two Ev3-Bricks using the "Wireless-Connections" and "Bluetooth" option then booting up the Ev3-Bricks
Select a server (controlled device) and a client (controlling device)
On the client-side, select the mac-address of the server or the only mac-address displayed (you can add mac-address by writing them into the "mac_addrs.txt" file)
The connection between the Ev3-Bricks has now been established!
-using Motors connected to Sensor-Ports(1,2,3,4) may raise errors
-when using single_motor(sm), left and right will only let the ev3 drive forward and backwards