Chingu - Brings together remote teams of learning developers to experience collaborating on a software project using modern communication tools, replicating the process used at the companies we hope to be hired at.
During a Chingu Voyage, the team designs, plans, develops, codes, and deploys a complete software project in six weeks. From communication on Discord, creation of a wireframe on Figma, task-tracking on Jira, and code sharing on GitHub, collaborative tools are used throughout.
The Tier One requirements for Chingu Voyage 42 are found at Build a web-based application that retrieves Chuck Norris facts from the Chuck Norris API project.
Our app meets the following requirements:
- Display a random Chuck Norris fact upon loading
- Present user with a list of categories from which to choose a random fact
- Exclude the "explicit", "religious", and "political" categories
- Include a footer on the "Team" page that includes a link to our github repository
- Include a READme file
Other features include:
- Animation to increase user engagement
- A Team page to introduce all collaborators including links to social media
- Responsiveness - layouts created for mobile screens through desktop monitors
- Two navigation systems. The first is the natural progression of clicking through the landing page to a category page with a list of possible choices or the ability to let Chuck choose by clicking on him. The third page displays the fact and allows the possibility of showing a new fact or moving back to the category page. The second navigation system is a menu bar hidden by a hamburger menu with icons for the home page and a teams page.
- The ability to share to Twitter or Facebook
Page with What is This? information showing
Closed Hamburger Menu
Home icon, Team icon, and Close Button
Clicking on Team icon takes user to the Contributors Page