This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 21, 2024. It is now read-only.
Treadle v1.3.1
- Move Treadle to SPDX license conventions
- Update .scalafmt.conf to be the same as firrtl (#250)
- License reference in maven publishing info, now points to apache 2.0 (#252)
- Clean up Treadle: TestHarness (#257)
- Change all possible printlns into logger.
- Create a TreadleTestHarness
- Make cleaner API for running tests in Treadle
- Make all tests involving a tester to run in a Logger.makeScope
- Simplify Github Actions CI (bp #267)
- Does not crash when encountering formal statements (bp #261)
- Add new transform that
- removes cover statements
- drops assumes or converts them to asserts
- all asserts are then converted to printf + stop
- Add annotation to control assume behavior
- Add tests to demonstrate above
- Add new transform that
- Automatically publish SNAPSHOTs on pushes (#277)
- Uses sbt-ci-release for automation (#279) (#281) (#283)