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CHIPS reconstruction software. Contains code for displaying, analysing, reconstructing, and classifying events. A heavily modified version of WCSimAnalysis


You need an up-to-date version of ROOT6 and chips-sim installed. This is provided by the chips-env and chips-sim repositories. The first time you run it will build chips-reco, any further changes will require a 'make' command

$ source

Running the Event Display

$ source
$ evDisplay

Cleaning Everything Up

To remove all artifacts and return to the base state run...

$ source


Input to code is WCSim ROOT classes, using WCSimRootGeom and WCSimRootEvent to build instances of WCSimOutputTree.

Running the code

Running of the code except for the event display is done via ROOT macros which load in the compiled libraries.

For examples look in the "config/example" directory This directory also includes a sample WCSim .root file for testing

$ root -l -x -q wc_trackfitter_el_mu.C  # electron + muon fit 
$ root -l -x -q wc_trackfitter_el.C  # electron fit 
$ root -l -x -q wc_trackfitter_mu.C  # muon fit 
$ root -l -x -q wc_trackfitter_piZero.C  # pi-zero fit 
$ root -l -x -q wc_trackfitter_cosmic.C  # cosmic fit 
$ root -l -x -q wc_train_read_PID.C  # run the PID

Notes on the PID

There are 5 different types of event sets that need to be used within the PID...

  • numu_ccqe
  • numu_all (i.e. CCQE + CC non-QE + NC events in the correct proportions)
  • nuel_ccqe
  • nuel_all (i.e. CCQE + CC non-QE + NC events in the correct proportions)
  • numu_nc events

The event sets used for training the two ANN's are... elANNmu -> Signal: nuel_ccqe , Background: numu_ccqe elANNnc -> Signal: nuel_ccqe , Background: numu_nc We use ccqe events so that they are trained on the cleanest subset of events.

A preselection is applied to any events that go into the training or are used as samples for testing...

  • nHits < 50
  • recoE_el < 550
  • recoE_mu < 550
  • recoE_el > 4950
  • recoE_mu > 4950
  • vtxRho_el > 1100
  • vtxZ_el > 50 from top
  • vtxZ_el < 50 from bottom
  • veto
  • fracHitsDownstream < 0

i.e. some activity in the detector, the reco energy not railing, and a 1m fiducial volume cut for the electron fit, and a cut to remove escaping events that the veto would identify, as well as addition cuts that act as checks that the events have run correctly.

You need ~20k events of each type to get the appropriate stats and ensure that the training converges. A large proportion (~80%) of numu_nc events are removed by the cut, mainly due to their elFit and muFit reco energies being < 550Mev. This is a good thing, however, leads to some issues with having a lack of NC events to train the elANNnc on.


Likelihood based event reconstruction







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