I learned Java fundamental/JUnit test/PostgreSQL/Spring Boot at Digital Career Institute and currently learning C at 42 Berlin. Here's an overview of my projects and what I'm passionate about!
A Java and JavaScript (Tone.js) project with PostgreSQL and Sprint Boot for creating a web app on Google browser. This was a final project in a group at Digital Career Institute. My teammate wrote the business logic for sign up/login/forgot password feature with Spring Security, and I was responsible for the implementation of the music-box(Sampler) business logic.
Watch the demo of the part I developed on YouTube(Click below!):
I did this project to learn C++.
Solar System Visualizer
C++ project visualizing the solar system.
Matrix Screen Imitation
C++ project imitating the Matrix screen effect.
These are the assignments I had to do while I was learning Java at Digital Career Institute.
Online Shop with Currency Converter API
Java project with Spring Security, PostgreSQL, Thymeleaf, and API.
Online Banking System
Java project with Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, JPA, Junit Test (Mockito), and Maven.
Expense Tracker
Java project with Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, JPA, Junit Test (Mockito), and Maven.
Student Enrollment System
Java project with Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, JPA, and Maven.
Carbon Emission Calculator
Java project with DAO design pattern, PostgreSQL.
General Practitioner Management System
Java project with DAO design pattern, PostgreSQL.
ATM System
Java project with Singleton, Factory method pattern, and JUnit test.
Dining Philosophers Problem
Java project with multi-threading. -
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Java project with algorithm implementation.
Here are some of the tools and technologies I use:
I'm passionate about music and technology.
Click the Spotify icon below to visit my artist page! I am a singer-songwriter/producer/mixing-mastering-engineer.