A simple TODO list application demonstrating how to build applications using the MVC 1.0 specification.
MVC 1.0 is still at a very early stage. The final release is scheduled for Q3 2016 and will be part of Java EE 8.
To be able to use the latest versions of all technologies which are required for MVC (like JAX-RS, CDI and Bean Validation), this application has been created to be deployed to a Servlet container like Apache Tomcat or Jetty. This allows to include all the requirements in the WAR file instead of having to rely on the container to provide them.
The application is pretty minimal at the moment. I added comments to the relevant sections of the code so you don't have to read the specification for understanding what is going on. ;)
To build the WAR file, run this command:
$ mvn clean package
The resulting WAR is named target/todo-mvc.war
. You can now deploy this WAR file to
Apache Tomcat or Jetty.
If you are using Tomcat, you should use the latest release of the 8.0.x product line.
After starting up, open the following URL in your browser:
The MVC expert group is looking for feedback. Any feedback is valuable and welcome. So if there is anything that you would like us to know, get in touch with us.
- Post on the public user mailing list, or
- Create an issue in the issue tracker.
And remember: Now is the time to give feedback. If you don't, you cannot complain about it later. ;)