This tutorial will help you become familiar with Cloud Computing and will also serve as an introduction to Linux. This tutorial will start with a network primer that will help you to understand the basics of public and private networks, ip addresses, ports and routing.
You will then login into the CHPC's Cloud Computing Platform and launch your own OpenStack virtual machine instances. Here you will need to make a decision on choice of Linux distribution that you will use as well as how your team will allocate your limited cloud computing resources.
Once your team has successfully launched your instances you'll login to your VM's to do some basic Linux administration, such as navigating and configuring your hosts and network on the terminal. If you are new to Linux and need help getting more comfortable, please check out the resources tab on the learning system.
This tutorial will conclude with you downloading, installing and running the High Performance LinPACK benchmark on your newly created VM's.
- Checklist
- Network Primer
- Launching your First Open Stack Virtual Machine Instance
- Accessing the NICIS Cloud
- Verify your Teams' Project Workspace and Available Resources
- Generating SSH Keys
- Launch a New Instance
- Linux Flavors and Distributions
- OpenStack Instance Flavors
- Networks, Ports, Services and Security Groups
- Key Pair
- Verify that your Instance was Successfully Deployed and Launched
- Associating an Externally Accessible IP Address
- Troubleshooting
- Introduction to Basic Linux Administration
- Linux Binaries, Libraries and Package Management
- Install, Compile and Run High Performance LinPACK (HPL) Benchmark
Use the following checklist to keep track of your team's progress and to ensure that all members in your understand these concepts.
- Understand IT concepts like cloud computing, virtualisation and remote connections:
- Understand and be able to explain networking terms such as URL, DNS, IP Address, Port, Subnet, Gateway, Router, and
- Understand the difference between a Local Private Network and an External Public Network.
- Learn how to use the CHPC's cloud computing environment:
- Learn about different Linux Distributions and Flavors, and
- Learn about Cloud Resource Management.
- Learn about Basic Linux Administration:
- Learn what SSH is and how to use it,
- Learn about Linux password management,
- Use a Linux Console / Terminal Based Text Editors,
- Understand Linux Privileges and the Root user,
- Learn how to Install Packages in your Linux Environment, and
- Learn about Configuring system files.
- Download, Configure, Install and Run HPL Benchmark:
- Understand how to satisfy Linux Package Dependencies,
- Download and unpack files using a terminal,
- Editing Makefiles,
- Compiling Sourcefiles to produce an Executable Binary, and
- Understanding the basics of the Linux Shell Environment.
At the core of High Performance Computing (HPC) is networking. Something as simple as browsing the internet from either your cell phone or the workstation in front of you, involves the transfer and exchange of information between many different networks. Each resource or service connected to the internet is made available through a unique address and network port. For example, is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) used to uniquely identify Google's search engine page on the South African []. domain. The [443] is the port number which in this instance lets you know that you're connecting to a secure https server.
When you enter this address into your browser, one of the first things that will happen is that a Domain Name Service (DNS) will translate the URL [] into it's corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) Address [].
A number of routing lookup tables will be utilized to determine an available, and preferably optimal path to the resource that you'd requested, thereafter a number of routers or gateway devices will be used to exchange packets between your workstation, through all of the intermediary networks, and finally the target resource.
At this point it is important to note that even though packets and network traffic are being exchanged between your local workstation and the Google servers, at no point is the private IP Address of your workstation exposed to the external Google Servers. Your workstation would have been assigned a private internal IP Address based on the computer laboratory. Traffic is then routed between the computer laboratory's private internal network and the rest of the university's networks through routers and gateway devices. All the internal computers and components across the campus will appear to the outside as though they have a single public IP address. This is accomplished through a process known as Network address Translation (NAT).
The process of browsing to on your workstation, can be simplified and depicted in the image above and summarized as follows:
- You open a browser on your workspace and navigate to
- A DNS Server then translates the URL into it's corresponding IP Address
- With the relevant IP Address, a Routing Table is used to navigate a path between your workstation and the server housing the information / data that you're after. Packets are exchanged between your workstation and all the networks between you and your desired data:
- Data Packets are exchanged between your workstation and the computer laboratory's internal networks (e.g. and networks),
- Data Packets are exchanged between Universities' internal networks and publicly assigned IP Address Range (e.g.,
- Data Packets are exchanged between Universities' public facing network interfaces, to the regional, national and international backbone networks and connections, and finally
- Data Packets are exchanged between Regional, National and International networks and those of the target Google domains (e.g.: local, or California
It is important to note that in the preceding examples, the specific IP Address and Routing Tables provided were merely an indicative oversimplification for the purposes of clarifying the related concepts.
In the following examples, you will be using your Android and/or Apple Cellular devices to complete the following tasks in your respective groups. Start by ensuring that your cell phone is connected to the local WiFi. Then navigate to the "Network Details" page of the WiFi connection.
From the "Network Details" section of your own device, you should see similar information and you will have the following details:
- Wi-Fi Type: Your cellular device may have a WiFi radio card operating at either 2.4GHz or 5GHz or two independent radios so that it operates at both frequencies,
- MAC Address: Medium Access Control Address which is a unique identifier that each physical network interface controller on any device will have, i.e. if your phone has both 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios, then each will have their own physical unique MAC addresses.
- IP Address: Internet Protocol Address is the unique address assigned to a device connected to a network implementing the IP protocol for communication, (i.e. you cell connected to the WiFi).
- Gateway: or Router is a hardware or software device used to transmit data between different networks_or (subnets)_, i.e. the same way that the WiFi Router, connects your cell phone to the rest of the university and to the internet.
- Subnet Mask: A Subnet corresponds to the logical subdivision of a network and serves as an indication of the number of hosts available on a particular network. I.e. for the subnet mask, there are 8192 possible hosts over the subnets 10.31.[0-31].[1-254].
- DNS: A Domain Name System is a lookup service that translates human readable domain names into the corresponding IP Addresses.
The IP Addresses, Gateways, Subnet Masks, DNS Servers may not correspond to those on YOUR particular device. You must ensure that you are connected to the correct network when executing the next set of tasks. Each member of your team must record the IP Address, Gateway, Subnet Mask, and DNS settings from their connection when completing this short exercise.
Testing the Local WiFi Connection Network
On your cellular device, ensure that you are connected to the computer laboratory's WiFi network and that all SIM card(s) are disabled. Navigate to, explore the website and record the IP Address indicated.
Testing the External Cellular Network
On your cellular device, ensure that you are connected to your SIM provider's network and that all WiFi radios are disabled. Navigate to and again record the IP Address indicated.
WiFi Hotspot Example
Team Captains are required to setup and establish a WiFi Hotspot for their team mates. The above experiments will be repeated for the university's computer laboratory WiFi connections as well as the Team Captain's Cellular SIM provider's network.
On your cellular device, ensure that you are connected to your Team Captain's WiFi Hotspot network, alternating for both the SIM provider's network as well as the university's computer laboratory's WiFi network. Navigate to and again record the IP Address indicated and this time you MUST also record your device's "Network Settings".
Pay careful attention to the IP Address reported by This is the unique identifier that your device will be identified and recognized by externally on the internet. Use this information to assist you to understand and describe NAT.
You should familiarize yourself with a few basic networking commands that can be utilized on your local shell, as well as your compute nodes. These commands are useful as a first step in debugging network related connection issues.
ip a
: The ip a command (short for ip addr) is used to display all IP addresses assigned to all network interfaces on a Linux system. It provides detailed information about the state of the network interfaces, including the IP address, broadcast address, subnet mask, and other relevant details. -
: The ping command is used to test the reachability of a host on an IP network. The is a well-known public DNS server provided by Google. By sending ICMP Echo Request messages to, you can determine if the server is reachable and measure the round-trip time of the packets. -
ip route
orroute print
: The ip route command is used to display or manipulate the routing table on a Linux system. It shows the kernel's routing table, which dictates how packets should be routed through the network. This includes the default gateway, subnet routes, and any other custom routing rules. -
: The tracepath command is used to trace the network path to a destination, showing the route that packets take to reach it. Unlike traceroute, tracepath does not require root privileges and is often easier to use. It provides details about each hop along the route, including the IP address and round-trip time.
Refer to the Q&A Discussion on GitHub for an example. Post a similar screenshot of your team executing these commands as a comment to that discussion.
In this section you will be configuring and launching your first Virtual Machine instance. This allows you to use a portion of another computer's resources, to host another Operating System as though it were running on its own dedicated hardware resources. For example, your laptops or workstations are running a Windows-based operating system, you "could" use a type of computer software Hypervisor, that runs and creates virtual machines, to run a Linux-based operating while your are in your Windows environment.
The physical servers that you will use to spawn your VM's are housed in Rosebank, Cape Town. We will verify this later using WhatIsMyIp.
Open your web browser and navigate to the NICIS OpenStack Cloud platform, and use the credentials that your team has been provided with to login into your team's project workspace.
Once you've successfully logged in, navigate to Computer -> Overview
and verify that the Project Workspace corresponds to YOUR TEAM and that you've been allocated the correct number of resources.
The following screenshot is for illustration purposes only, your actual available resources may differ.
Over the course of the lecture content and the tutorials, you will be making extensive use of Secure Shell (SSH) which grants you a Command-Line Interface (CLI) with which to access your VMs. SSH keys allows you to authenticate against a remote SSH server, without the use of a password.
When you are presented with foldable code blocks, you must pick and implement only one of the options presented, which is suitable to your current configuration and/or circumstance.
A number encryption algorithms exist for securing your SSH connections. Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is secure and simple enough should you need to copy the public key manually. Nonetheless, you are free to use whichever algorithm you choose to.
From the Start
menu, open the Windows PowerShell
These commands are the same if you are commenting from a Linux, Unix or MacOS Terminal, and Moba XTerm.
Generate an SSH key pair:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
When prompted to "Enter file in which to save the key", press
, -
When prompted to "Enter a passphrase", press
, andEnter
again to verify it.
Below is an example using Windows PuTTY. It is hidden and you must click the heading to reveal it's contents. You are strongly encourage to use either Windows PowerShell or Moba XTerm instead.
Windows PuTTY
PuTTY is a Windows-based SSH and Telnet client. From the Start
menu, open the PuTTYgen
You MUST take note of the location and paths to BOTH your public and private keys. Your public key will be shared and distributed to the SSH servers you want to authenticate against. Your private key must be kept secure within your team, and must not be shared or distributed to anyone.
Once you have successfully generated an SSH key pair, navigate to Compute
→ Key Pairs
and import the public key
into your Team's Project Workspace within OpenStack.
From your Team's OpenStack Project Workspace, navigate to Compute
→ Instance
and click `Launch Instance**.
Within the popup window, enter an appropriate name for your instance that will describe what the VM's intended purpose is meant to be and help you to remember it's primary function. In this case, a suitable name for your instance would be head node.
After configuring your new VM name under instance details, you will need to select the template that will be used to create the instance from the Source menu. Before selection a Linux Operating System Distribution for your new instance, ensure that the default Source options are correctly configured:
- Select Boot Source is set to
, - Create New Volume is
, - Delete Volume on Instance Delete is
, and - Volume Size (GB) will be set when you configure the instance flavor.
There are a number of considerations that must be taken into account when selecting a Linux distribution that will be appropriate for your requirements and needs. Since June 2017 all of the systems on the Top500 list make use of a Linux-based Operating System. Familiarity and proficiency with Linux-based operating systems and their derivatives is a mandatory requirement for gaining expertise in Software Development, Systems Administration and Networking.
An argument could be made, that the best way to acquire Linux systems administration skills, is to make daily use of a Linux Distribution by running it on your personal laptop, desktop or workstation at home / school.
This is something for you and your team to investigate after the competition and will not be covered in these tutorials. If you feel that you are not comfortable completely migrating to a Linux-based environment, there are a number of methods that can be implemented to assist you in transitioning from Windows to a Linux (or macOS) based 'Daily Driver:
- Dual-boot Linux alongside your Windows environment,
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL),
- Running Linux VM's locally within your Windows environment,
- Running Linux VM's through cloud-based solutions, and Virtual Private Servers (VPS), as you are doing for the competition. There are many commercial and free-tier services available, e.g. Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.
A Linux distribution, is a collection of software that is at the very leased comprised of a Linux kernel and a package manager. A package manager is responsible for automating the process of installing, configuring, upgrading, downgrading and removing software programs and associated components from a computer's operating system.
A number of considerations must be taken into account when deciding on choice of Linux distro as a 'daily driver' and as well as a server. There are subtleties and nuances between the various Linux flavors. These vary from a number of factors, not least of which including:
- Support - is the project well documented and do the developers respond to queries,
- Community - is there a large and an active userbase,
- Driver Compatibility - will the distro 'natively' run on your hardware without workarounds or custom compilation / installation of various device drivers,
- Stability and Maturity - is the intended distro and version currently actively supported and maintained, not 'End of Life' and verified to run across a number of different systems and environment configurations. Or do you intend to run a 'bleeding-edge' distro so that you may in the future, influence the direction of application development and assist developers in identifying bugs in their releases...
You and your Team, together with input and advise from your mentors, must do some research and depending on the intended use case, decide which will be the best choice.
The following list provides a few examples of Linux distros that may be available on the Sebowa OpenStack cloud for you to use, and that you might consider using as a 'daily driver'.
You do not need to decide right now which Linux Flavor you and your team will be installing on you personal / school laptop and desktop computers. The list and corresponding links are provided for later reference, however for the time being you are strongly encouraged to proceed with Rocky 9.3 image. If you are already using or familiar with Linux, discuss this with the instructors who will advise you on how to proceed.
RPM or Red Hat Package Manager is a free and open-source package management system. The name RPM refers to the
file format and the package manager program itself. Examples include Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, CentOS Stream and Fedora. You can't go wrong with choose of either Red Hat, Alma, Rocky or CentoS Stream for the competition. You manage packages through tools such atyum
(Yellowdog Updater, Modified) and / ordnf
(Dandified YUM). -
Zypper is the package manager used by openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), and related distributions. This is another good choice for beginners, however openSUSE is not available as an image for the competition.
APT: In Debian-based distributions, the installation and removal of software are generally managed through the package management system known as the Advanced Package Tool (APT). Examples include Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Pop! OS and Kali Linux. Debian or Ubuntu Based Linux distributions are fantastic options for beginners. If one of your team members are already using such a system, then you are advised to use the provided Ubuntu image for the competition.
PkgTool is a menu-driven package maintenance tool provided with the Slackware Linux distribution. Listed here for interest, not recommended for beginners.
Pacman is a package manager that is used in the Arch Linux distribution and its derivatives such as Manjaro. Not recommended for beginners.
Portage is a package management system originally created for and used by Gentoo Linux and also by ChromeOS. Definitely not recommended for beginners.
Source-Based: Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that teaches you how to create your own Linux system from source code, using another Linux system. Learn how to install, configure and customize LFS and BLFS, and use tools for automation and management. Once you are very familiar with Linux, LFS is an excellent medium term side project that you peruse in you own time. Only Linux experts need apply.
Type "Rocky" in the search bar, and select the Rocky-9.3 cloud image as a boot source.
An important aspect of system administration is resource monitoring, management and utilization. Each Team will be required to manage their available resources and ensure that the resources of their clusters are utilized in such a way as to maximize system performance. You have been allocated a pool of resources which you will need to decide how you are going to allocate the sizing of the compute, memory and storage across your head node and compute node(s).
Compute (vCPUs) You have been allocated a pool totaling 18 vCPUs, which would permit the following configurations:
- Head Node (2 vCPUs) and 2 x Compute Nodes (8 vCPUs each),
- Head node (6 vCPUs) and 2 x Compute Nodes (6 vCPUs each),
- Head node (10 vCPUs) and 1 x Compute Node (8 vCPUs).
Memory (RAM) You have been allocated a pool totaling 36 GB of RAM, which would permit the following configurations:
- Head Node (4 GB RAM) and 2 x Compute Nodes (16 GB RAM each),
- Head node (12 GB RAM) and 2 x Compute Nodes (12 GB RAM each),
- Head node (20 GB RAM) and 1 x Compute Node (16 GB RAM).
Storage (DISK) You have been allocated a pool of 50 GB of storage, which can be distributed in the following configurations:
- Head Node (60 GB of storage) and 2 x Compute Nodes (10 GB of storage each),
- Head Node (60 GB of storage) and 2 x Compute Nodes (10 GB of storage each), and
- Head Node (60 GB of storage) and 1 x Compute Node (10 GB of storage).
The following table summarizes the various permutations and allocations that can be used for designing your clusters within your Team's Project Workspace on Sebowa's OpenStack cloud platform.
Cluster Configurations | Instance Flavor | Compute (vCPUS) | Memory (RAM) | Storage (Disk) |
Dedicated Head Node | scc24.C2.M4.S60 | 2 | 4 GB | 60 GB |
Compute Node 01 | scc24.C8.M16.S10 | 8 | 16 GB | 10 GB |
Compute Node 02 | scc24.C8.M16.S10 | 8 | 16 GB | 10 GB |
Hybrid Head / Compute Node | scc24.C6.M12.S60 | 6 | 12 GB | 60 GB |
Compute Node 01 | scc24.C6.M12.S10 | 6 | 12 GB | 10 GB |
Compute Node 02 | scc24.C6.M12.S10 | 6 | 12 GB | 10 GB |
Hybrid Head / Compute Node | scc24.C10.M20.S60 | 10 | 20 GB | 60 GB |
Compute Node 01 | scc24.C8.M16.S10 | 8 | 16 GB | 10 GB |
Type "scc" in the search bar and select the scc24.C2.M4.S60 instance flavor.
When designing clusters, very generally speaking the 'Golden Rule' in terms of Memory is 2 GB of RAM per CPU Core. The storage on your head node is typically 'shared' to your compute nodes through some form of Network File System (NFS). A selection of pregenerated instance flavors have been pre-configured for you. For the purposes of starting with this tutorial, unless you have very good reasons for doing otherwise, you are STRONGLY advised to make use of the scc24.C2.M4.S60 flavor with 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM.
Under the Networks settings, make sure to select the vxlan
that corresponds to your Team Name.
No configurations are required for Network Ports, however you must ensure that you have selected scc24_sg
under Security Groups.
You must ensure that you associate the SSH Key that you created earlier to your VM, otherwise you will not be able to log into your newly created instance
Congratulations! Once your VM instance has completed it's building, block device mapping and deployment phase, and if your Power State indicates Running
, then you have successfully launched your very first OpenStack instance.
In order for you to be able to SSH into your newly created OpenStack instance, you'll need to associate a publicly accessible Floating IP address. This allocates a virtual IP address to your virtual machine, so that you can access it directly from your laboratory workstation.
- Select Associate Floating IP from the Create Snapshot dropdown menu, just below the Actions tab:
- From the Manage Floating IP Associations dialog box, click the "➕" and select publicnet:
- Select the
IP address allocated and click on the Associate button.
The following section is strictly for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. You MUST discuss your circumstances with an instructor before proceeding with this section. If you have successfully launched your head node, proceed to the Intro on Basic Sys Admin.
Deleting Instances
- When all else fails and you would like to reattempt the creation of your nodes from a clean start, Select the VM you want to remove and click
Delete Instance
from the drop down menu. - Occasionally you may find yourself accidentally deleting a VM instance. Do not despair, by default
is selected onDelete Volume on Instance Delete
this will leave your storagevolume
intact and you can recover it by launching a new instance from thevolume
. Details will be provided later in Tutorial 3.
- When all else fails and you would like to reattempt the creation of your nodes from a clean start, Select the VM you want to remove and click
Deleting Volumes
When a VM's storage
lingers behind after intentionally deleting a VM, you will need to go to manually remove the volume from your work space. -
Dissociating Floating IP
If your VM is deleted then the floating IP associated with that deleted VM will stay in your project under
Networks -> Floating IPs
for future use. Should you accidentally associate your floating IP to one of your compute nodes, dissociate it as per the diagram below, so that it may be allocated to your head node. Selecting the floating IP and clickingRelease Floating IPs
will send the floating IP back to the pool and you can call a tutor to help you get back your IP.
If you've managed to successfully build and deploy your VM instance, and you managed to successfully associate and attach a floating IP bridged over your internal interface, you are finally ready to connect to your newly created instance.
The VMs are running minimalist, cloud-based operating systems that are not packaged with a graphical desktop environment. You are required to interact with the VM instance using text prompts, through a Command-Line Interface (CLI). By design for security reasons, the cloud images are only accessible via SSH after instantiating a VM. Once you have successfully logged into your instance, you may change the password so as to enable you to make use of the VNC Console.
You will require the PATH to the private SSH key that you have previously generated, as well as the Floating IP address associated to your VM. Depending on the specific distribution your Team chose to implement for your Head Node, the *default username will vary accordingly.
- SSH Through a Linux Terminal, MobaXTerm or Windows PowerShell
If your workstation or laptop is running a Linux-based or macOS operating system, or a version of Windows with MobaXTerm or Windows PowerShell, then you may proceed using a terminal. Most Linux and macOS distributions come preshipped with an SSH client included via OpenSSH
In an Alma Linux cloud image, the default login account is alma.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 alma@154.114.57.<YOUR Head Node IP>
In an Arch Linux cloud image, the default login account is arch.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 arch@154.114.57.<YOUR Head Node IP>
In a CentOS Linux cloud image, the default login account is centos.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 centos@154.114.57.<YOUR Head Node IP>
In a Rocky Linux cloud image, the default login account is rocky.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 rocky@154.114.57.<YOUR Head Node IP>
In an Ubuntu Linux cloud image, the default login account is ubuntu.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ubuntu@154.114.57.<YOUR Head Node IP>
The "~" in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
is a shortcut for /home/<username>
. Secondly, the first time you connect to a new SSH server, you will be prompted to confirm the authenticity of the host. Type 'yes' and hit 'Enter'
Windows PuTTY
If your workstation or laptop is running Windows, then you may proceed using either Windows PowerShell above (preferred) or PuTTY. Use PuTTY only if Windows PowerShell is not available on your current system.
Username and Password
Once you've successfully logged into your head node VM, you are encouraged to setup your password login as a fail safe in case your SSH keys are giving issue, you may also access your head node through the OpenStack VNC console interface.
sudo passwd <username>
Setting up a password for any user - especially the default user - may make your VM's vulnerable to Brute Force SSH Attacks if you enable password SSH authentication.
Once logged into your head node, you can now make use of the previously discussed basic networking commands: ip a
, ping
, ip route
and tracepath
, refer to Discussion on GitHub for example out, and to also post your screenshots as comments.
Here is a list of further basic Linux / Unix commands that you must familiarize yourselves and become comfortable with in order to be successful in the competition.
Manual Pages
: On Linux systems, information about commands can be found in a manual page. This document is accessible via a command calledman
short term for manual page. For example, try runningman sudo
, scroll up and down then pressq
to exit the page. -
Switch: You can make use of the--help or -h
flag to see which options are available for a specific command. Similarly, to the above, try runningsudo -h
Piping and Console Redirection
replaces the content of an output file with all input content>>
appends the input content to the end of the output file.For example to create a file called
and add a name to the file, use:# You can create new files using the `touch` command or the `>` redirect. touch students.txt echo "zama" >> students.txt echo "<TEAM_CAPTAIN>" >> students.txt echo "zama lecturer" >> students.txt echo "<TEAM_MEMBERS" >> students.txt
can be used when searching the content of the file, if it exist it will be printed on the screen, if the search does not exist nothing will show on the students.txt cat students.txt | grep "zama"
Reading and Editing Documents: Linux systems administration essentially involves file manipulation. Everything in a Linux is a file. Familiarize yourself with the basic use of
. -
command shows all commands you have executed so far, the feedback is numbered, use!14
to rerun the 14th command.
Make sure that you try some of these commands to familiarize yourself and become comfortable with the Linux terminal shell and command line. You can find sample outputs and are strongly encouraged to post your teams screenshots of at least one of the above commands on the Discussion Page on GitHub.
are two powerful command-line utilities used to manage and view system logs and services on Linux systems, respectively. Both are part of the systemd suite, which is used for system and service management.journalctl
is used to query and display logs from the journal, which is a component of systemd that provides a centralized location for logging messages generated by thesystem
and services.systemctl
is used to examine and control thesystemd
system and service manager. It provides commands to start, stop, restart, enable, disable, and check the status of services, among other functionalities.
For example to query the status of the
daemon / service, use:sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd
Verify some of your system's configuration settings and post a screenshot as a comment to this Discussion Page on GitHub.
It is CRITICAL that you are always aware and sure which node or server your are working on. As you can see in the examples above, you can run similar commands in a Linux terminal on your workstation, on the console prompt of your head node, and as you will see later, on the console prompt of your compute node.
Understanding Linux binaries, libraries, and package managers is crucial for effective software development and system management on Linux systems.
The following discussion around the concepts of binaries and libraries does not need to be fully understood at this stage and will be covered in more detail in later tutorials and lectures.
Binaries are executable files created from source code, often written in languages like C or C++, through a process called compilation. These files contain machine code that the operating system can execute directly.
- Executable Files: These are typically found in directories like
, and/usr/sbin
. - Shared Libraries: These are files containing code that can be shared by multiple programs. They usually have extensions like
(shared object) and are found in directories like/lib
- Executable Files: These are typically found in directories like
Libraries provide a way to share code among multiple programs to avoid redundancy and ease maintenance. They come in two main types:
- Static Libraries (
files) are linked into the executable at compile time, resulting in a larger binary. Do not require the library to be present at runtime. - Shared (Dynamic) Libraries (.so files) are linked at runtime, reducing the binary size. The executable will need the shared library to be present on the system at runtime.
- Static Libraries (
Package Managers are tools that automate the process of installing, updating, configuring, and removing software packages. They handle dependencies and ensure that software components are properly integrated into the system.
- Repositories are online servers storing software packages. Package managers download packages from these repositories.
- Dependencies are binaries, libraries or other packages that software depends on to function correctly. Package managers resolve, install and remove dependencies automatically.
From this point onward, you're going to need to pay extra attention to the commands that have been issued and you must ensure that they correspond to the distribution that you are using.
Do not try to type the following arbitrary commands into your head node's terminal. They are merely included here for illustration purposes.
# RHEL, Alma, Rocky, Centos
# You are strongly recommended to use one of the distros mentioned above.
# This will always be the first example use case given for any scenario and
# the recommended approach to follow
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install <PACKAGE_NAME>
sudo dnf remove <PACKAGE_NAME>
- APT-based systems
# Ubuntu
# Another really good choice and strong recommendation to adopt is Ubuntu.
# Ubuntu has many users, and many first time Linux users, start their
# journeys into Linux through APT (or Ubuntu) based distros.
# Moreover Ubuntu has it's origins in South Africa...
sudo apt update
sudo apt install <PACKAGE_NAME>
sudo apt remove <PACKAGE_NAME>
- Pacman-based systems
# Arch-Like Linux
# Arch Linux is one of the most "flexible and succinct" Linux distros
# available today. It popularity stems not only from the fact that is has
# excellent documentation, but it's "keep it straight and simple" approach.
# Not recommend for beginners, unless you have previous Linux expertise or
# unless you are looking for a challenge.
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S <PACKAGE_NAME>
sudo pacman -R <PACKAGE_NAME>
Understanding the user environment and the PATH
variable is crucial for effective command-line operations and software management on Linux systems. The user environment in Linux refers to the collection of settings and variables that define how the system behaves for a user. These settings include environment variables, configuration files, and shell settings.
# For example, to view the `USER` and `HOME` variables
echo $USER
echo $HOME
variable is one of the most important environment variables. It specifies a list of directories that the shell searches to find executable files for commands. When you type a command in the terminal, the shell looks for an executable file with that name in the directories listed in PATH
# View the contents of your PATH variable
echo $PATH
# List the contents of your HOME directory
ls $HOME
# Find the location of the ls command
which ls
HPL is a crucial tool in the HPC community for benchmarking and comparing the performance of supercomputing systems. The benchmark is a software package designed to solve a dense system of linear equations using double-precision floating-point arithmetic. It is commonly used to measure the performance of supercomputers, providing a standardized way to assess their computational power.
You will now install and run HPL on your head node.
You are advised to skip this section if you have fallen behind the pace recommended by the course coordinators. Skipping this section will NOT stop you from completing the remainder of the tutorials. You will be repeating this exercise during tutorial 3.
However, familiarizing yourselves with this material now, will make things easier for you and your team in the subsequent tutorials and their respective sections.
Update the system and install dependencies
You are going to be installing tools that will allow you to compile applications using the
command. You will also be installing a maths library to compute matrix multiplications, and anmpi
library for communication between processes, in this case mapped to CPU cores.- DNF / YUM
# RHEL, Rocky, Alma, Centos Steam sudo dnf update -y sudo dnf install openmpi atlas openmpi-devel atlas-devel -y sudo dnf install wget nano -y
# Ubuntu sudo apt update sudo apt install build-essential openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libatlas-base-dev
- Pacman
# Arch sudo pacman -Syu sudo pacman -S base-devel openmpi atlas-lapack nano wget
Fetch the HPL source files
You will download the HPL source files. This is why you installed
in the previous step.# Download the source files wget # Extract the files from the tarball tar -xzf hpl-2.3.tar.gz # Move and go into the newly extracted folder mv hpl-2.3 ~/hpl cd ~/hpl # list the contents of the folder ls
Configure HPL
Copy and edit your own
file in thehpl
directory to suit your system configuration.cp setup/Make.Linux_PII_CBLAS_gm Make.<TEAM_NAME> nano Make.<TEAM_NAME>
You need to carefully edit your
file, ensuring that you make the following changes:- RHEL, Rocky, Alma, CentOS Stream based systems
ARCH = <TEAM_NAME> MPdir = /usr/lib64/openmpi LAdir = /usr/lib64/atlas LAlib = $(LAdir)/ $(LAdir)/ CC = mpicc LINKER = mpicc
- Ubuntu based systems
ARCH = <TEAM_NAME> MPdir = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi LAdir = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/ LAlib = $(LAdir)/ $(LAdir)/ CC = mpicc LINKER = mpicc
- RHEL, Rocky, Alma, CentOS Stream based systems
Temporarily edit your
variableYou are almost ready to compile HPL, you will need to modify your path variable in order for your MPI C Compiler
to be a recognized binary. Check to see ifmpicc
is currently detected:# The following command will return a command not found error. which mpicc # Temporarily append openmpi binary path to your PATH variable # These settings will reset after you logout and re-login again. export PATH=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin:$PATH # Rerun the which command to confirm that the `mpicc` binary is found which mpicc
Compile HPL
You are finally ready to compile HPL. Should you encounter any errors and need to make adjustments and changes, first run a
make clean arch=<TEAM_NAME>
.make arch=<TEAM_NAME> # Confirm that your `xhpl` binary has been successfully built ls bin/<TEAM_NAME>
Configure your
Make the following changes to your
file:cd bin/<TEAM_NAME> nano HPL.dat
Carefully edit you
file and verify the following changes:1 # of process grids (P x Q) 1 Ps 1 Qs
Running HPL on a Single CPU
For now, you will be running HPL on your head node, on a single CPU. Later you will learn how to run HPL over multiple CPUs, each with multiple cores, across multiple nodes...
# Excute the HPL binary ./xhpl
Note that when you want to configure and recompile HPL for different architectures, compilers and systems, adapt and the Make.<NEW_CONFIG>
and recompile that architecture or configuration.
If you compile fails and you would like to try to fix your errors and recompile, you must ensure that you reset to a clean start with make clean
You have successfully completed you first HPL benchmark.