(To run the code, look at test.sh)
A program that plays the game 'stupid', which also explores using a Free Monad for abstracting over access to the outside world.
I started out not knowing how to use a Free Monad at all, only having a vague understanding of what it is used for. Now that I've completed the task, I think it's fair to say that it was complete overkill. :) But it was a fun ride, and I have a stronger understanding of when and how it could be useful.
Now let me break down the code for you.
Let's start by defining the types relevant to a game of 'stupid'. For that we have Types.hs, with definitions like
data Suit = Heart | Diamond | Club | Spade
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord)
One thing I find common in Haskell is the ability to "pseudocode" the high
level logic, and end up with the actual code required. main
is a great
example. Besides quietInterp
and attackStage
, this is a straightforward
high-level description of reading input, parsing it, and processing it,
which needed very little change throughout its lifetime. Those two mystery
functions are expanded below.
main = do
inFile <- fmap head getArgs
input <- T.readFile inFile
mapM_ runProg (parseInput input)
putStr "\r\n"
runProg :: GameData -> IO ()
runProg = flip quietInterp attackStage
The first part of this challenge is parsing the data out of data.txt. For that task I used the attoparsec library. The parsers are found in ParseInput.hs. They're outside the scope of this document, but here is one example:
-- "Two players get their cards which are represented by a line in the
-- file: ST D2 CJ HQ DA | H2 D3 C4 S5 H6 D7 C8 S9"
parseHandPair = (,)
<$> sepBy parseCard " " <* parseSep
<*> sepBy parseCard " "
I relied on a lot of standard Haskell patterns. Applicative stands out in in this example.
The majority of stupid.hs defines the logic for playing 'stupid'. The individual stages are broken into distinct definitions. Each one is written as a meta-program using "keywords" from a domain-specific language (DSL), developed below. Here's one example:
passStage rank = do
t <- getTrump
nOff <- length <$> getHand Offense
nTable <- tableSize
card <- (minCard t . cardsRanked rank) <$> getHand Defense
case (compare nOff nTable, card) of
-- offense has enough cards && defense has one to play
(GT, Just card') -> do
passWith card'
passStage rank
-- else...
_ -> defendStage
cardsRanked r = filter ((r ==) . cRank)
This once again uses a collection of standard Haskell patterns (Functor,
Monad, etc.) to describe the actions taken. You can see some of the the DSL
"keywords", like getHand
and passWith
The first stage of the game is naturally called attackStage
. This is one
of the keywords found in main
, where it is passed as the first step to the
meta-program's interpreter.
The DSL is defined in DSL.hs. Naturally.
While the code in stupid.hs defines how to play 'stupid', this code defines what actually happens to the state of the game during each player action. Here's an example. Glaze your eyes a bit until I've explained a few more things.
winTurn role = do
case role of
Offense -> do
allCards <- playedCards
lift $ GS.updateHand Defense (++ allCards)
Defense -> swapRoles
lift $ GS.clearTable
liftF $ WinTurn role ()
Now, hold on to your butts, because I want to point out that this
'stupid' DSL is actually implemented in terms of another DSL that
manipulates game state. That lower-level DSL is found in GameState.hs.
You can see it used above; for instance, GS.clearTable
, which has this
clearTable :: GameState ()
clearTable = do
st <- get
put st { table = [] }
Confusingly, besides describing the what of 'stupid', the code in
DSL.hs also defines a generic interface to the outside world. The
interface is summarized in the GameAction
data GameAction nxt
= AttackWith Card nxt
| PassWith Card nxt
| Defend PlayedCard Card nxt
| ReinforceWith [Card] nxt
| WinTurn Role nxt
| Result Int nxt
deriving (Functor)
This type takes its shape from the requirements of using the Free Monad. I won't say much more about that at present.
Once the meta-program describing the game is fully written, it must be
interpreted to generate output. This is where GameAction
and the Free
Monad come in to play. By using the Free machinery, intepreters are simply
written as a function keyed on GameAction
values. Two interpreters exist in
Interpreters.hs: one that is noisy and one that is quiet. This is where
the second mystery keyword from main
is defined: quietInterp
is the
quiet interpreter. :)
Since this Free machinery is precisely what I set out to understand when beginning this project, I will declare that it is "outside the scope of this document." :) I will refer you to my main reference, and I promise I'll say a bit more about it at the end.
Oh wait, I'm already at the end.
Like I said in the beginning, some of this Free machinery was total overkill for this challenge. There are benefits that would make it very useful for other projects, however. For instance, the connection between game logic and the outside world is entirely abstract. I could write another interpreter that beams messages to space without changing the game logic at all. Perhaps more importantly, I can test the game logic in isolation.
Plus, it's kinda fun, once you learn to ignore the white noise.