Demonstrate some way of performing calculations in shell and scripts.
NOTE: There seems to be differences between bash and zsh
- python 1 liners..
- perl
- zx?
Check the shell you are using as different shells exhibit different
# check current shell
echo $SHELL
# integer maths
echo $(( 10 + 5))
# decimals do not work
echo $(( 10.5 + 5))
# integer maths
echo $(( 10 + 5))
# decimals work
echo $(( 10.5 + 5))
echo $(( 10.57777 * 5))
man bc
echo "10.5 * 5" | bc
echo 'scale = 16; 5 / 3' | bc
# rounding down
echo 2.6 | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}'
# sum and format numbers using awk
awk '{OFMT = "%9.6f";s+=$1} END {print s}' << EOF
echo "time,cpu,pid,process" > ./cpu.csv
for index in $(seq 0 100 );
ps -opcpu -opid -ocomm -cax | grep -i windowserver | sort -r | sed "s/^/$(date '+%H:%M:%S') /" | sed 's/\t/ /g' | sed 's/ */ /g' | sed 's/ /,/g'
sleep 1
done >> ./cpu.csv
sqlite3 :memory: -cmd '.mode csv' -cmd '.import cpu.csv cpu' 'SELECT time, COUNT(*), AVG(cpu) FROM cpu '
- sqlite csv examples here