Like strumming a guitar or painting on Adobe Illustrator, I always learn more through exercises. This collection is organized by theme and aims to explore how to to port Objective-C solutions for SWIFT. As a mobile app producer, I find that any app I build requires me to think about: users, money, marketing, measurement, product design + performance, and customer support. I've opted to organize my exercices using this lose structure.
###User registration and authentication As a mobile producer, if you want provide your users with a customizable, personalized experience, you'll need a Back-end as a Service of soem sort)
- Parse: Basic Parse examples of Register, Log in, Log out
- Firebase: Coming Soon
###Money Although there are dozens of ways to make money (Jude Gomila's list, Crowdsourced List), advertising –or underwriting for you not-for-profit friends– is still a sucessful model (Flappy Success, Quora Ad mathematics)
- Heyzap: Heyzap is great because it allows me to use Admob, Applovin, Facebook Ad Network and iAds through a single SDK.
- Yahoo Flurry AD banner: Simple Banner Ad, Simple Interstitial Ad
- iAD: Simple Interstitial Ad
###Measurement Measuring your app is any developer's first key step towards Management.
- Flurry: Yahoo's Flurry analytics is very good at logging events.
- Google Analytics: Coming Soon.
###Product Design User experience is the holy grail for digital progress. The only way we, as a humanity, will move beyond the Windoew's era is to invest all the computational power (new devices are promising) back into user interface and design.
- UIX: Throttle-like GUI.
###Product Samples As a new student of SWIFT, I found these simple examples were successful in helping me quickly learn XCode and SWIFT.
- HTTPRequests: This is a cleaner, more organized approach to GET, POST, and Download requests.
- ActionSheet: A simple ActionSheet example.
- AlertView: Basic AlertView example
- Countdown: Basic 30 second countdown example.
- POSTRequest: Plan, vanilla POST requests.
- ProteinTracker: Example of a calculator
- Flappy Clone: Flappy Birds clone.
- Basic Quiz: Simple question-based quiz
###Product Performance Any mobile producer will tell you that performance is a big deal when it comes to creating a successful user experience. Concurrency is a big topic so I gave it its own /folder.
###Music My first music app was developed in 2010 so it's safe to say I'm a music tech producer. The collection of exercices here are simply aimed at getting me to script-bridge my brain to SWIFT.
- AudioPlayer: Vanilla MP3 player.
- iTunesQuery: Search for something through iTunes API and package the results.
###Marketing What makes the Internet better than print or broadcast is that there's a two-way interaction. OK, fine, reality-tv sort of captured the essence of "average people entertaining other average people" but Social Media is a better extension. Some call it peer-to-peer, others call it "platform" but all these exercices attempt to do is help devs learn how to authenticate their apps using oAuth2.
- Facebook Integration: Coming soon
- Twitter Integration: Coming soon
- Convert Local Calendar: Calculate calendar times for different countries.
Sprite Kit
Scene Kit
Game Kit
Pass Kit
Health Kit
External Accessories
Core Data
REST / HTTP Network
View Controllers
Users libraries
Device sensors