Welcome to my personal website! 🚀 This project is crafted with a modern(?), minimalist tech stack:
- HTMX for dynamic interactions
- Supabase as the backend platform
- View Transitions API for smooth animations
What makes this site special? There's no traditional templating engine, no complex build processes, and technically no traditional server. Instead, it's powered by elegant SQL functions that do all the heavy lifting.
JavaScript usage is intentionally minimal - reserved only for:
- Essential UI animations
- Query string manipulation
Just as the web should be. wink wink nudge nudge
The spark for this project came from an enlightening article in the PostgREST documentation about serving HTML content with HTMX. I realized this approach would pair beautifully with Supabase's capabilities, making development even more streamlined.
I do realize this is a somewhat limited approach, and certainly would not recommend it for anything big and serious. However for something simple as a personal website with some db access for image storage and blog/cms functionality, it's a great fit.