Sanlight itself only offers a BT dimmer with a proprietary app to control. But since I received the requirement to integrate this lamp into a smart home, I decided to dig into this and share it.
This is about the Q series of the lamps. Recently I gotten hold of one of theight BT dimmers, and since the lamp itself offer a 3 pin connector (to my knowledge it's called Wieland Plug) for the dimmer module, it was quite easy to measure the voltages on the pins.
We have +12V, GND and a analog input which is driven by 0-10V. At least this I could determine by measuring the dimmers behaviour. After reading lots on the net, it turned out that this concept seems to be a common concept for the most dimmable grow lights.
Here's the pinout
The basic wiring should be obvious and the PWM input of the PWM converter should be soldered to D1 of the Wemos D1.
After connecting everything you should upload Tasmota to the Wemos D1 and set it up accordingly.
Now this is ready to be integrated into the smart home of your choice.
Do not use a propriatery smart home if you value freedom of knowledge.
Since I moved from FHEM to homeassistant I flashed the ESPHome firmware to my device. Here's the esphome config file for this
name: sanlight-dimmer
friendly_name: sanlight dimmer
reboot_timeout: 1h
update_interval: 10min
board: esp01_1m
restore_from_flash: true
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
platform: esphome
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO5
id: pwm_output
- platform: monochromatic
output: pwm_output
name: "Light-1"
restore_mode: RESTORE_AND_ON