The Digital Ocean python automation lib
pip install pydoautomator
from pydoautomator import Automator, Droplet
digital_ocean_token = 'my-digital-ocean-api-token'
aut = Automator(digital_ocean_token)
droplet_data = {
"name" : "",
"region" : "nyc1",
"size" : "s-8vcpu-16gb",
"image" : 68259296, # snapshot id
"ssh_keys" : [27410347, 27608055, 27590881],
"private_networking" : True,
"vpc_uuid" : "47e5c00a-2b23-4dac-bed4-0e44659941f3",
"monitoring" : True
"tags" : ["tests"]
droplet = Droplet(**droplet_data)
droplet_id = 152412424
floating_ip = ''
action_status = aut.assign_floating_ip_to_droplet(floating_ip, droplet_id)
if action_status == 'completed':
print('floating_ip assigned to droplet!')
digital_ocean_token = 'my-super-cool-digital-ocean-api-token'
aut = Automator(digital_ocean_token)
droplet_data = {
"name": "",
"region": "nyc1",
"size": "s-8vcpu-16gb",
"image": 70649304, # snapshot id
"ssh_keys": [27410347, 27608055, 27590881],
"private_networking": True,
"vpc_uuid": "47e5c00a-2b23-4dac-bed4-0e44659941f3",
"monitoring": True
droplet = Droplet(**droplet_data)
droplet_id = aut.create_droplet_from_snapshot(droplet)
floating_ip = ''
action_status = aut.assign_floating_ip_to_droplet(floating_ip, droplet_id)
if action_status == 'completed':
print('floating_ip assigned to droplet!')
droplet_id = 123456
droplet_id = 123456
droplets_list = aut.get_all_droplets(droplet_id)