This project is not ready for use in production. It's still under heavy development. I wrote this for another project I work on right now, but its still far from being stable. Testing are fixes and comments are welcome.
tsc --target ES5 --module umd --outDir ../build --sourceMap ribs.ts collection.ts container.ts controller.ts eventsManager.ts model.ts router.ts view.ts viewHelper.ts
main goal(s):
- extend backbone view to automate some tasks
- a must have is that views code should not contain any html markup, every bit of html should be in the template so that designers only have to touch that file
- new collection view to build lists and when destroyed auto close children
- new controller
- views loader based on requirejs
- collections batch save for all models at once
- use promises
- use shadow dom for views (polymer shadow dom polyfill)
#ribsjs documentation
##ribsjs views
- if you want to do stuff during initialization of the view
- don't try to append html to this.$el during onIntialize as it would get overwriten, instead use onRender
- if you want to add programmatically stuff to the view during the rendering process use onRender
for more check out the