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Bond via vcpkg

This repository contains a Visual Studio 2017 project that consumes Bond, "a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data", via the vcpkg, a tool to "get C and C++ libraries on Windows".

It's mostly used to validate that the Bond port in vcpkg is working correctly.

Getting Started

  1. Ensure that Visual Studio 2017 is installed.
  2. Acquire and build vcpkg.
  3. Install the Bond port. In the vcpkg directory, run .\vcpkg install bond
  4. Create the vcpkg integration NuGet package. In the vcpkg directory, run.\vcpkg integrate project
  5. Clone this repository: git clone --recursive
  6. Open the bond-via-vcpkg.slnsolution in this repository.
  7. It's likely that the vcpkg NuGet package will have a different name and path from the one included in this project. Remove the vcpkg.S.src.vcpkg package and add the one created in step 4.
  8. Build and enjoy!

Known Issues

The vcpkg NuGet integration package is used. This has a different name and path on different machines, so it may need to be adjusted. See the Getting Started steps for details.


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