Knowledge requirements:
- C/C++
- Microsoft Visual Studio
Build requirements:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
- SKSE64 source code latest version
Build instructions:
- Clone or download the project
- Get the SKSE64 source code, choose the current SE build
- Extract the SKSE64 source code and copy "common", "skse64", "skse64_common", and "xbyak" folders to the project root directory (same location as the solution file)
- Open the project solution in Microsoft Visual Studio
- Re-add the project references for both skse64 and skse64_common
- For skse64, remove both common_vc14 and skse64_common references then add them back
- For skse64_common, remove common_vc14 reference then add it back
- Change the build type for the skse64 project to static lib
- Remove the post-build event for the the skse64 project, both the command line and the description
- Change the solution configuration to Release mode, then build the project
- Check the \x64\Release folder, the project DLL is there
- Done