Sample CICS Java program to use a record from the IBM Record Generator for Java to build a COMMAREA for linking to the CICS COBOL EDUPGM sample.
- Eclipse OSGi plugin
- CICS bundle projectEDUPGM.cbl
- Sample CICS COBOL application that demonstrates the different data types that can be used in COBOL.EDUCPY.cbl
- Copybook that describes the record structure of the CICS COMMAREA for EDUPGM
- Blog - Building Java records from COBOL with the IBM Record Generator for Java
- IBM Record Generator for Java download
Source code for the following Java class is available in the projects directory
- JCICS CICS Java program to link to EDUPGM COBOL program using a generated record
The generated record JAR file EDUPGM.jar is supplied in the lib
directory of the Eclipse OSGi plugin project
- CICS TS V5.4 or later
- Java SE 1.8 or later on the workstation
- Eclipse with the IBM CICS SDK for Java, or any IDE that supports usage of the Maven Central artifact
- IBM Record Generator for Java V3.0
The sample project can be imported into Eclipse and deployed into a CICS OSGi JVM server as follows:
- Import the Eclipse projects from the project folder into CICS Explorer using File -> Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace.
- Change the name of the JVMSERVER in the .osgibundle file from DFHJVMS to the name of the JVMSERVER resource defined in CICS.
- Export the bundle project to zFS by selecting Export Bundle project to z/OS Unix File System from the context menu.
- Create a CICS bundle defintion, setting the bundle directory attribute to the zFS location you just exported to, and install it.