Debug Mode:
$ pip install Flask
$ python -m pip install pymongo
$ pip install pandas
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run
$ sudo yum -y install httpd (Exemple for Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS Linux)
$ yum install mod_wsgi
$ pip install -r requirements.txt (Python 2)
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt (Python 3)
Initial application form where the variables that compose the dictionary are released.
- Dictionary's Name
- Variable's name
- Type [Byte, Date, Integer, Long, String, Double]
- Description: Description about the variable
- Internal Comments: Internal comments that will not be in the dictionary of the researchers.
- External Comments: External comments that will be in the dictionary of the researchers.
- Add: add variable to dictionary (save cache)
- Submit: Create the dictionary and add dictionary variables to the database.
Note: First you must click on add, then click on submit.
The byte type also has the fields:
- Category's Name
- Original Value
- Standardized Value
Note: Does not need to include 0-Nulo and 99-Inconsistência values
Lists all dictionaries included in the database.
- Create: Creates a csv file used for the base standardization process.
- Edit: Opened a list of variables contained in the dictionary for viewing and possible editing.
- Delete: Deletes the dictionary from the database.
Shows a preview of the variables contained in the dictionary.
- Edit: Editing a variable
- Delete: Deletes a variable from the database.
- Print Dictionary CSV: Create a dictionary version for the researcher in CSV.
- Print Dictionary PDF: Create a dictionary version for the researcher in PDF.
- Add Variable: Adds a new variable in the dictionary.