Ansible playbooks for setting up a LEMP stack for WordPress.
- Local development environment with Vagrant
- High-performance production servers
- One-command deploys for your Bedrock-based WordPress sites
This is my company hosting server with my current clients.
Create empty directory. Name with the site domain name (this is a convention only).
Create new bedrock project within new directory
$ composer create-project roots/bedrock .
Create a new GitHub repo. Run commands inside the site directory. Also ensure Your github ssh key is added to your environment (optional).
$ git init . $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/[github-key-name] $ hub create
The remotes this command creates do not work with my ssh config. Remove the created remotes in next step.
Remove incorrect origin and add correct origin master.
$ git remote remove origin $ git remote add origin cimo-github:cimocimocimo/
Initial git commit and push
$ git add * $ git commit -m 'Initial project commit' $ git push --set-upstream origin master
Add the site config to the wordpress_sites.yml file in the appropriate ./group_vars/[environment] directory.
- For a local development site you only need to add it to wordpress_sites.yaml in the devlopment directory.
- Make sure to add passwords/salts to the vault.yaml using ansible-vault from the server root $ ansible-vault edit group_vars/[environment]/vault.yml
Run local and remote provisioning commands
- Local command: $ vagrant halt && vagrant up && vagrant provision
Do not use vagrant reload, it does not add the new domain name to the hosts file. A full halt and up are required for those changes.
- Remote provision, for both staging and production environments: $ ansible-playbook server.yml -e env=[environment]
Deploy latest code to tracked branch
The tracked branch is set in group_vars/[environment]/wordpress_sites.yml in the key 'branch'.
Add the ssh keys required for access to github and to the server. Then run this command from the root of the server directory.
$ ./bin/ [environment] []
Push new uploads from development if needed.
$ ansible-playbook uploads.yml -i hosts/[environment]
--extra-vars="site=[] mode=push"Note: Push for sending files to the remote server. Pull for pulling them down to the local development server.
Deploy DB changes if needed.
$ vagrant ssh
Commands to run in the vagrant instance.
Change to the root of the site directory.
$ cd /srv/www/[]/current
Run wp-cli export command
$ wp db export
Upload and import the .sql file to the target database and server. I usually do this with Sequel Pro.
Change the local development domain name to the production domain name in the database with wp-cli
$ wp search-replace '[]' '[]'
ansible-playbook uploads.yml -i hosts/production --extra-vars=" mode=push"
Trellis will configure a server with the following and more:
- Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS
- Nginx (with optional FastCGI micro-caching)
- PHP 7.2
- MariaDB (a drop-in MySQL replacement)
- SSL support (scores an A+ on the Qualys SSL Labs Test)
- Let's Encrypt integration for free SSL certificates
- HTTP/2 support (requires SSL)
- Composer
- sSMTP (mail delivery)
- MailHog
- Memcached
- Fail2ban
- ferm
Full documentation is available at
Make sure all dependencies have been installed before moving on:
- Virtualbox >= 4.3.10
- Vagrant >= 2.0.1
The recommended directory structure for a Trellis project looks like: # → Root folder for the project
├── trellis/ # → Your clone of this repository
└── site/ # → A Bedrock-based WordPress site
└── web/
├── app/ # → WordPress content directory (themes, plugins, etc.)
└── wp/ # → WordPress core (don't touch!)
See a complete working example in the repo.
- Create a new project directory:
$ mkdir && cd
- Clone Trellis:
$ git clone --depth=1 && rm -rf trellis/.git
- Clone Bedrock:
$ git clone --depth=1 site && rm -rf site/.git
Windows user? Read the Windows docs for slightly different installation instructions. VirtualBox is known to have poor performance in Windows — use VMware or see some possible solutions.
- Configure your WordPress sites in
and ingroup_vars/development/vault.yml
- Run
vagrant up
Read the local development docs for more information.
For remote servers, installing Ansible locally is an additional requirement. See the docs for more information.
A base Ubuntu 16.04 server is required for setting up remote servers. OS X users must have passlib installed.
- Configure your WordPress sites in
and ingroup_vars/<environment>/vault.yml
(see the Vault docs for how to encrypt files containing passwords) - Add your server IP/hostnames to
- Specify public SSH keys for
(see the SSH Keys docs) - Run
ansible-playbook server.yml -e env=<environment>
to provision the server
Read the remote server docs for more information.
- Add the
(Git URL) of your Bedrock WordPress project in the correspondinggroup_vars/<environment>/wordpress_sites.yml
file - Set the
you want to deploy - Run
./bin/ <environment> <site name>
- To rollback a deploy, run
ansible-playbook rollback.yml -e "site=<site name> env=<environment>"
Read the deploys docs for more information.
Contributions are welcome from everyone. We have contributing guidelines to help you get started.
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